As the crowd dissipated, a woman wearing the vest of an armsman marched over and sat down at his table. He knew he would be approached eventually. Bad had just been told to walk in and 'make himself at home' which meant a few hours of sitting, doing nothing, trying not to drink while he caroused with the locals. He had not expected a woman. Granted, he wouldn't have cared beyond curiosity. He had never worked with a female trooper before, but he wasn't prejudice. She carried herself well and looked fit. Usually he gave as good as he got, but he did not feel great accepting the contract, and from the lack of sleep, he really didn't have the fight in him. Plus... "I agree, just call me Bad. Or Privateer, I guess." He said, arms crossed on the table. "So, what do I call you?" "Inez de Calabria." She said with an accent he couldn't quite pinpoint. "Do you know why we're here?" He asked her, and when she shook her head, he reached down and grabbed his datapad. He unlocked the security on it, activated the application, placed it on the table, and slid it over to her. Text began to stream across the screen, and a map of the planet appeared before her eyes, before zooming into a small river basin two dozen kilometers from their current position. [i]Mission for Class D armsman and privateer. A large shipment of manganese and tantalite is being transported from subsector A-34 to subsector A-76 to our refineries, through the Loxahar valley. Security has been found wanting. Three shipments lost in the last two standard terran months. Local forces inadequate or compromised. Evidence suggests attacks committed by the Cobalt Snake mercenaries, likely hired by local competitors wishing to monopolize the planet and repell tratta interests. Success is paramount. Double pay and access to better work if 90% of shipment makes it intact to destination.[/i] -Councilor's Aide Theodora Nix (EC: 205983754) The date indicated they begin tomorrow. [@Penny]