[center][h1]The Great Gus[/h1][/center] [hr] [color=gold][i]Seems we have to grab something for the high horsed folks. What a drag… Rather not deal with that filth again.[/i][/color] The roguish lad was in deep thought as the others discussed the task they were given. [color=gold][i]Why would that old fart even deal with people like this? In his own words, nobles are nothing more than idiots to bleed dry and backstab afterwards.[/i][/color] Gus leaned against the wall, flicking his signature coin. He stared at the dwarven woman offering him a bowl of soup. [color=gold]”Let me just. . . voila!”[/color] The coin rolled around his hand before it disappeared in thin air. Now his hands were free to accept the free meal. [color=gold]”Thank you ever so kindly for the meal.[/color] He winked at the dwarven woman before starting with his meal. He soon would finish his bowl and what seemed like a little prayer before heading to the bedding accommodations and claimed one of the top bunks with a graceful jump. [color=gold]”I hope nobody minds me taking one of these, but I do it out of my care for everyone here. My radiance would keep anyone from sleeping soundly.”[/color] And with a small illusion his face became a playful depiction of the sun. He shall worry about the other details around this task once he wakes up.