Oh, my, GOD, Esty. Also, glad you're home safe. That post was AMAZING. Totally worth the wait. Poor... well everyone, haha. You can be totally proud of this one! :) [quote][i]“You think you've escaped me, but I am always here. Submit to me, and maybe I’ll let you keep the ashes of your son.”[/i][/quote] [img]https://media4.giphy.com/media/muPMoA0DeqioNVjbri/200.webp?cid=790b7611oqdzdzzj34yssk2oyrq66om9c91uib3hob97zue1&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200.webp&ct=g[/img] This made me GASP for sure. How is our sweet, lovely Esty such a savage and brutal antagonist? This sentence is a chef's kiss, for sure. Can't wait to read Thierry's reaction, either. Man, that's a hell of a lot to respond to haha. [quote][i]“He will serve me well, opening the way to the End. You should be grateful. Your son will make the impossible possible. Everything his father could ever be proud of.”[/i][/quote] Oh hoh hoh, the plot thickens. Everything Thierry could be [i]proud[/i] of, huh. Such a recurring theme. I love it! [quote][i]#6’s gaze shifted to Sabrina, and gestured to the HiveMind agents, who forced her to kneel. [/i][/quote] Can't believe you made our queen kneel :O [quote][i]“The Lady of Nobility, Mistress of the Broken Home, do not grieve for your son. He is merely serving his destiny that he evaded all those years ago in the depths of Gaza.”[/i][/quote] Savage! Also, more exposition about Gaza ;) [quote][i]“You haven't fully recovered from the darkness, have you? Do not fear, Von Galloes will happily adopt you when your father finally falters and succumbs.”[/i][/quote] Oooh my GOD. This one's so brutal, too. Vonny can stick it where the sun don't shine >:( [quote][i]“Yes, I know #6 has an issue with orders. It can't be helped…[/i][/quote] [img]https://media2.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExN3F5bTloYnl2dmpjcGh1NG53bDNhdWEyYWQyc2lycWpjcDlzcm5pZSZlcD12MV9naWZzX3NlYXJjaCZjdD1n/anYBNhqT2BYcg/giphy.webp[/img] [quote][i]Von Galloes stepped toward Theo, his sick smile widening. “Finally. Finally, I have you.” He ran a finger down Theo's cheek, before lifting his chin, moving Theo's face from left to right, inspecting him. With a nod of approval, Von Galloes beckoned Stella with a finger.[/i][/quote] [img]https://media1.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExaXphMnk5ZTd3eHhkM3lvYTVkcGZuNWh4ZGdic2FxMDljZnl1YmZvbCZlcD12MV9naWZzX3NlYXJjaCZjdD1n/pD368cmNo02G5qoV5i/200.webp[/img] No Vonny! Bad Vonny!