[hr][hr] [center][h1][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjgwLjY3YWI2ZC5TR1Z5YldWeklFUnBJRUZ1WjJWc2J3LjA/zombies-night.regular.webp[/img] [/h1] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/6ff67740-7b0c-40e5-9295-12553fe033d9.png[/img] [Color=67AB6D][I]Location: Skills: [/I][/color][/center] [hr][hr] Hermes was strung up, his emotions turned up to high as he felt his heart beating in his ears. The warmth burned at the tips of them as they thrummed and he watched others begin to pile into the hallway to witness the spectacle this had become. He watched as Mrs. Carver began to reach for his only chance at survival. He gripped the stick tightly as he moved back a step, his knuckles white as the wood groaned beneath his hands. [Color=67AB6D]”Calm down? Calm down?! I was attacked and you want me to calm down?!!”[/color] He said through strained words before following into a string of Italian laced with expletives as he reached up with one hand, pushing his hair back before realizing he was still shirtless and the rest of his clothes was trapped in the locker room. It was fine, he kept a spare shirt and jacket in his hall locker anyways, he hated wearing the same shirt after gym because he thought it'd absorb the musty scent of the boys locker room, as pungent as it was. [Color=67AB6D]”Hannah grazie dio! I was getting ready for gym when I heard someone groaning in the shower. Sounded like they got hurt, maybe hit their head I don't know, then I saw blood pooling out from beneath so I checked it out thinking maybe they hit their head hard. When I opened it, Elio was in there along with the body of Mr. Brady, throat ripped out and q bite on Elios neck! Next thing I know he's lunging at me trying to bite me like some Floridian on Bath Salts!”[/color] Banging started coming from the doors, as Hermes turned to see in horror that Elio was attempting to break through. He crossed himself with his fingers and said a silent prayer before lunging towards the door, sliding the hockey stick between the handles and blocking it from being opened.