[center][h1][color=F0A06B]Nicholas “Nic” Wu[/color][/h1] [img]https://media1.tenor.com/m/r1r-LBWCus8AAAAC/hiphipxz-xiao-zhan.gi[/img] [b][color=F0A06B]Location:[/color][/b] Altitude Chicago Trampoline Park - Chicago, IL [b][color=F0A06B]Skills:[/color][/b][/center] [hr][hr] I laugh, smacking the foam cubes away as she throws them. [color=F0A06B]“Your nurse sounds really smart, is he single? Or is he dating his lesbian best friend?”[/color] I tease back, my smile growing wide. We reach Jane and Kat just in time for them to hear the last part of my question. “Yeah, no, even if I were straight, you’re too much of a himbo and I’m not attracted to the illiterate.” Jane chimes in unprompted. I climb out of the pit and turn to offer my hand to Cass, shaking my head in amusement. [color=F0A06B]“See, what did I tell you, she can’t admit I’m smarter.”[/color] [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=#9B111E]Nero[/color][/h1] [img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/4d3e41fde0dfcfb755007add6e50e090/tumblr_inline_pjy8ejMsId1r113ww_400.gifv[/img] [b][color=#9B111E]Location:[/color][/b] Driving - Chicago, IL [b][color=#9B111E]Skills:[/color][/b][/center] [hr][hr] I glance at Caden when Avery mentions the girls ditching him for my dragon - I can’t blame them. [color=#9B111E]“Interesting.”[/color] I say when Avery finishes. [color=#9B111E]“So what does Caden do to help your… wolf… stay stable? I’ve never encountered your subspecies before.”[/color] I hope he doesn’t mind my ramble of questions, but then I remember that this man knows Cassi. [hider=Translations][/hider]