[b][i]Alvin Davion[/i][/b] He had performed admirably, Alvin thought as he followed Ulrik's instructions, running a systems check and then running back to his Captain's side as he remarked, "It seems we made it; thanks for leading us well, Captain. I must admit that I judged you only by your hatred for the FedSuns and not your actual... everything else. Here's hoping the compound does contain something of value - If those pirates turn out to be human traffickers or organ smugglers, I'm taking back everything I said about trying to spare them." They actually had a future. They [i]actually had a future[/i]. As his H-4K gathered with the others and Ulrik, Alvin brought up one more topic, "So, now that we've established ourselves as a viable outfit, we should pre-emptively make sure from early on that we do not acquire too many civilians before we get a landhold of our own or an HQ in a hub world. There was this mid-sized company called [i]G*w*in's Green Knights[/i] - One of my inspirations for joining a Merc Group if I can share that - that had their civilians captured four years ago during a rebellion on a planet they were garrison duty on and had to spend a lot of time and effort on an epic campaign to get them back... I don't recall the outcome, though." For Fuka's inevitable ridicule, Alvin had a response she cannot simply dismiss or ignore - Play the sound of nails scratching a primitive blackboard to drown out what nonsense she was going to say, then add, "Sorry for annoying you and the other members of this group again, Captain; just hyped up about our group's prospects and ability to make it despite everything going against us..." [@6slyboy6][@Psyker Landshark][@AndyC][@Smike][@Abstract Proxy][@QJT][@Starlance]