[hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=cc33ff]Guin Stark[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/2c7919d1c6222c4f923a38e3e509c948/tumblr_inline_odikgj8J1Y1rifr4k_250.gif[/img][hr][b][color=cc33ff]Location:[/color][/b] X-Mansion [b][color=cc33ff]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f1/42/7a/f1427ad677d3f5ce8f2c1f9bef0daa87.jpg]~Fit Check~[/url] [hr][hr][/center] Guin didn't jump when Pietro appeared with a rush of air - she was used to his sudden appearances. And thanks to their psychic rapport, she always had a bit of a sense as to where he was. There wasn't much he could do to surprise her anymore, for better or for worse. She knew that he had to be beating himself up a bit because of that - that he hadn't been there to stop her from relapsing, as much as she didn't want that guilt on his shoulders. It'd been her decision and hers alone. So the responsibility then was only hers - it couldn't be his job to watch her all the time. [color=cc33ff]"I'm okay,"[/color] Guin said honestly. [color=cc33ff][i]I'm not going to go take any more pills, honest.[/i][/color] Annie didn't need to hear that part. She squinted her eyes though, jumping slightly as there was a blaring beam of light out of nowhere - and then two Asgardians on the mansion grounds, a sigil now burned into the grass. Ordinarily, this might've been cause to tell Annie that they needed to take a rain check on the run - but Guin guessed the Asgardians were just here to see Lance, as Lance was dating one of them, the Goddess of Goths herself. [color=cc33ff]"Umm... How about the half loop? So I don't die choking on my own breath,"[/color] Guin joked. [color=cc33ff]"I've been spoiled with this one just picking me up and carting me off any time running is required,"[/color] she said, elbowing Pietro slightly. Guin did, however, throw a wave at the Asgardians. [hr] Runa glanced around at her surroundings, taking in the scene. She saw a few familiar X-Men on the lawn - Guinevere, Antoinette, Pietro. But Lance was nowhere to be seen. She frowned. Had he not received her scrying message from earlier, announcing her intentions to come by for a visit? She had made a new gown for the occasion - [url=https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/71NyoQ3MnVL._AC_UY1000_.jpg]a traditional Asgardian dress, with rich blacks and a soft hood[/url]. Runa tossed the hood back, before nodding in Guinevere's direction. [color=#a81a75]"Aye, this is their stronghold,"[/color] Runa confirmed for Klara. She then concentrated, casting a spell to amplify her voice, before sending booming echoes throughout the entire mansion - [h1][b][i][color=#a81a75]LANCE, SON OF BANNER, WHERE ART THOU?[/color][/i][/b][/h1] [hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=f26522]Avery Spellman[/color] [img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/86cec6d38d47218f7dafbb840a74b7f1/2089eac01cae8eb6-05/s250x400/1e755ce4912f22c6e13fb41c2a3d9d26d767286b.gif[/img][/b][/h3][hr][b][color=f26522]Location:[/color][/b] X-Mansion [b][color=f26522]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [url=https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRgY7v9UXHqCy_w1YoKfbMi6qOsIUd6oH6uUEDMJqdxQQ&s]~Fit Check~[/url][hr][hr][/center] Avery nodded slightly. It was a little weird how... mundane it all seemed. Talking about letters and cellphones, and making appeals to different members of the family. The drama itself, while revolving around magic and whatnot, was also pretty normal when it came down to things - sexism and estrangement causing division amongst a family. Despite having their own family drama - well, this was their family drama now, too, but a year ago it hadn't been - Avery still was a little surprised at how simple the solutions were. How just... normal it all was. The people that had turned their backs on their mother, they were just people. [color=f26522]"Carolina was really helpful with the curse on my - on my side of the family,"[/color] Avery offered. Not everything had gone to plan, but without Carolina and Mira, things would've ended up much, much worse. So they didn't doubt that Carolina could be helpful here - even if possession would probably invalidate any documents signed once discovered. There had to be rules and laws regarding that. [color=f26522]"Is there... is there anything I could do to help?"[/color] they then offered tentatively. They weren't magic, not the way Ed was, and they weren't a boy, so they didn't know how much influence they could really have over that side of the family... but if they could help, they would. A booming voice then shook the library, asking for Lance. [color=f26522]"...What?"[/color] Avery murmured, tilting their head. [color=f26522]"Are we... under attack?"[/color]