[center][img] https://i.imgur.com/5ILCycx.png[/img][/center] [hr] [b]“I agree with attacking the detention center.” [/b] With the information provided to her, Éliane was leaning towards an assault on the prison complex out of all the available options. Both battlefield experience and vibes had led her to think it was the most viable option, and that was even before her questions were answered and the others pitched in to strategize. Esben gave a good summary as usual. If he weren’t a SEED agent, he would make a very good aide to a general on the field. As far as odds went, they really weren’t terrible, if they had the element of surprise. Although Reisa had encountered them previously, she had hardly seen all of the tricks and strategies team Kirin had to offer. The plan he proposed right afterwards, though… She stared right at him. [b]“Esben, that is the most insane, unhinged, and ridiculous plan that I have heard from anybody from your organization to date.”[/b] She paused. [b]“I like it. How soon can we start, and how much gunpowder do we have access to?”[/b]