The vouivre took a long, LONG breath as the pent-up aggression in her bled off like steam from a pressure cooker. She closed her eyes, rubbing her temples in a vain effort to soothe the headache she knew was coming. Yes, [i]thoughts[/i] indeed. Aoife, the Taran, very much did not like Victorians. They had slaughtered her family, burned her home, and unleashed the distinctly inhumane originium dirty bombs of the County Hillock incident. She honestly wasn't sure how many she'd cared about that had been killed by Victorians, and while she obviously wasn't going to get violent, there was a part of her that was absolutely delighted to see this conceited, condescending Cautus cool his feet in a Sargonian cell for a while. Unfortunately—or fortunately, depending on how you looked at it—while [i]Aoife[/i] the Taran wanted to see Warren Irving humiliated, the Rhodes Island Operator [i]Ash Girl[/i] couldn't just sink into cathartic spite. Especially not with Polka there; she didn't want the musician to think of her as a brash or angry person. And so, a moment that felt slightly too long to be comfortable passed before she spoke again. "[color=paleturquoise]As little as I would trust Victoria with an ancient superweapon,[/color]" a shudder ran up and down her spine, "[color=paleturquoise]I trust Leithanien and Columbia working together with it even less. Especially,[/color]" she grew quiet again, and her voice more sober, "[color=paleturquoise]because if it's in service to activating a weapon, I doubt kidnapping would be the worst thing to happen to Nur.[/color]" She gave a sharp nod: "[color=paleturquoise]I think he might be our best bet.[/color]"