[b]Chris[/b] "I'm only in it because I owe him one; this is just passing the time until I can repay the debt," Chris answered, pausing by the vending machine, and slamming her knee into the Nanashi that got in her way. Predictably, it went flying. Not so predictably, when it slammed into the wall, it wasn't the fishman that cracked: the monster smashed its way through and kept going, potentially right across the next corridor and through the wall after [i]that[/i] if nothing got in its way. And then she shoved her hand through metal, apparently not fazed by the sharp edges this presented, and pulled the iced tea Raiko wanted out, followed by something disturbingly sugary for herself, and passing the drink to Raiko. "Anyway, I know where to get the egg thing he wants, so..." The tan martial artist lead the way towards the egg. ---- [b]Yui[/b] The unfortunate former-dopant was... well, pretty much doomed. His rescuers had been dealt with, and now he was on the floor with no way out. Of course, this was the exact same thing that stopped him from "accidentally" getting a sword run through his body at high speed. No; instead, there was a sickening crack as the blur came to a halt, with one foot planted firmly on the man's back. With the speed Yui had been moving, there was no real indication of whether this was intentional or just the result of moving at high speeds. It was intentional, though: leaving an enemy in a condition to potentially fight you again wasn't something she had any plans on doing, but there was no time to finish him. ---- [b]Rain[/b] "Uh... I'm not Sokichi!" Rain said, waving her hands and dispelling the illusion that she could have ever been the hardboiled detective, "Too tall! And this is kinda restrictive around here..." The waved hands indicated that Rain felt it rather... hard to fit into the moulded chest region of the suit, which probably [i]wasn't[/i] the best idea with her friends' physiques. Standing around like this was rather awkward, and as a result, the transformed girl started on a joke that she had no idea how to finish: "Two Kamen Riders and a magical girl walked into a bar..."