[center][h2][color=#00ff66]Jase the Assassin (Mosslit Crew)[/color][/h2] [h3] ??? — ??? Forest[/h3][/center] [hr] Jase scowled at the shadws as he brushed off his hands. At least coming down he'd found some quartz stones. With a bit of tinder, he might get a fire going. "Did anybody see any sign of water as they came down?" the half-elf asked, all business. "We won't go far without water, and the only source I know is back up there in that cave, and we have no way to carry it. That cave is also the only shelter." One that look harder to reach from down here, Jase frowned. "We can skirt along this clif for an hour or two, then come back if we don't find anything," he added. "Unless one of you have anything better?" [hr] [@Crusader Lord][@Thunder999999][@Crimson Paladin]