[hider=Galina] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Q0NgzfK.jpeg[/img] Name: Galina Race: Human Gender: Female Age: 23 [b]SPECIAL[/b][list] [*]Strength: 5 [*]Perception: 8 [*]Endurance: 5 [*]Charisma: 5 [*]Intelligence: 5 [*]Agility: 7 [*]Luck: 5 [/list] [b]Skills[/b][list] [*]Unarmed - 0 [*]Melee - 0 [*]Throwing - 0 [*]Guts - 0 [*]Athletics - 1 [*][b]Guns[/b] - 3 [*]Energy Weapons - 0 [*]Explosives - 1 [*]Medicine - 1 [*]Piloting - 0 [*][b]Sneak[/b] - 3 [*][b]Lockpick[/b] - 3 [*]Science - 0 [*]Repair- 1 [*]Speech - 1 [*]Barter - 1 [*]Survival - 3 [/list] [u]Personality[/u] A criminal for as long as she can remember, Galina holds the enigmatic code of her brethren close to her heart. She has no qualms about stealing. She takes no issue with hurting others. And she does not trouble herself with contemplating the moral implications of murder. Burned into her mind are the ideas and the understandings of her fellow thieves. Crowned above all else sits the notion that no authority can be truly trusted or relied upon, especially not any that claims to be the sole source of safety. Distrustful of all, Galina is resigned to the state of the things, leaving her concerns centered chiefly on her own needs and survival. Galina is meticulous and endlessly pragmatic. Her morality is flexible, bending easily rather than breaking. She is unflinching in the face of violence, holding herself to be well-acquainted with the ways of the post-War world and the many ill-deeds performed across the wasteland. Small acts of kindness are a balm to her soul, and she prefers to avoid needless cruelties. However, she knows just as well that often violent deeds, even great acts of violence, are the answer to difficult problems. Never reckless, she is nonetheless confident in her own abilities. Shrouded in violence, Galina sees herself as more than just another post-nuke punk. She can be friendly, warm even, if not engaged in professional capacity or challenged. She is fond of conversation and stories. She carries a battered harmonica on her person and in peaceful moments is happy to play a song for her companions. [u]Background [/u] [i]"When atomic fire consumed the earth, some of those who survived belonged to the gangs of the old world. Freed from the constraints imposed upon them by society, they flourished in the lawless wastelands."[/i] Born beneath the skeletal high rises of downtown Boston, Galina recalls little of her parents or siblings. Her earliest years were spent scavenging the burned out suburbs of Boston. Long days that drove her to desperation with danger and drudgery. She remembers the cold and hunger best. Looking for a way out, seeking an escape from her hellish life, she found her salvation in the remnants of the Old World. Adopted by a local crime lord, she was initiated into an old order of thieves. The Russian mafia had survived the Great War. They had thrived in the chaos that followed. More than two centuries had passed and organized crime had changed with every absorbed ray of radiation, but it had endured, and it had grown stronger. Surrounded by scum. Tutored in villainy. Twisted as others had been twisted, Galina was taught to threaten, to steal, and to kill. She learned quickly and violence came easily, nourished by the anger that she had swallowed. She found friendship. She found a family. She found a purpose. And she didn't have to go to sleep hungry. No longer a child, Galina clawed her way upwards. She rose to the illustrious rank of a mid level enforcer, living free from the threat of careless use and elimination at the hands of her superiors. Nothing is free and nothing is cheaply offered in the wasteland. Galina paid for her privileges with service and caps, always more caps. Sent afar, she traveled beyond Boston, collecting on old debts and solving problems for her fellow thieves. For months now, she has traveled westwards, ordered to sail to the Aloha Isles aboard the Green Horizon. Guiding her is a playing card, a tattered Ace of Spades with a sentence in Cyrillic script scribbled underneath the half-scratched out A. [u]Equipment[/u] [list][*]Weapons: [list][*][url=https://imgur.com/a/z3CN9mg]Handmade Rifle[/url] - A homage to a Soviet pre-War weapon, Galina’s handmade rifle is patterned after the legendary Avtomat Kalashnikova (AK-47). Sporting a short improved barrel, a collapsible stock, a large magazine, and a reflex sight, the handmade rifle is the tool for the job when Galina decides to start blasting. A bayonet lug allows Galina to use her combat knife aggressively in combination with her automatic rifle. [*][url=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c7/PB_pistol.jpg]Makarov pistol (PB)[/url] - a pre-War weapon, the PB is a compact handgun with a dedicated detachable suppressor silencer attachment. An old handgun recovered, restored, and re-chambered in a more modern 10mm by a traveling Shi gunsmith, the PM comes from Russia with Love. [*]Combat knife - Sometimes a good knife is the best solution, be it for prying something open, bloodletting, or slicing up an irradiated apple. [*]Switchblade - As a last resort, Galina keeps a switch blade hidden on her person. [/list] [*]Ammunition:[list] [*]150x 7.62mm, 5 x 30 magazines [*]36x 10mm. [/list] [*]Armor & Apparel:[list][*]Baseball Cap - Uninterested in sunburns, Galina has a black baseball cap emblazoned with the Nuka-Cola logo. [*]Traveling Outfit - Galina wears a faded gray t-shirt, black jeans, and well-fitting hiking boots. [*]Summer Jacket - Ready for the sun, Galina has acquired a breathable cotton jacket with a number of discreet hidden pockets. [*]Gas mask - All the cool kids have gas masks these days. Rads are bad and S.T.A.L.K.E.R taught everyone that "irradiated post apocalyptic wastelands" require gas masks. [/list] [*]Consumables:[list] [*]1x RadAway. [*]3x Rad-X. [*]3x Stimpak. [*]1x Med-X. [*]2x tourniquet. [*]Pocket Flask - A battered pocket flask, currently filled with vodka. [*]3 days of food and purified water.[/list] [*]Misc:[list] [*]Harmonica - Wrapped lovingly in a red silk bag, Galina's harmonica is one of her most cherished possessions. [*]Sunglasses - One pair of mint condition, orange tea-shade sunglasses that Galina stole before the Green Horizon left port. [*]Hiking Backpack - Galina has a large hiking backpack that sits comfortably on her shoulders thanks to the more over designed straps than she can count. Currently her backpack contains a spare barrel for her rifle, a whetstone, flint & steel, a gun cleaning kit, and a book. [*]1500 Caps. [/list] [/list] [/hider] [hider=TRAIT: A Darkness Burning In the Light] Your life of crime and brutality in the descendants of the Russian Mafia has lended you a keen sense of the local criminal underworld in the area. Whenever you commit an illegal act of crime that would be considered illegal by the laws of the settlement you inhabit or any other illicit actions that harm an innocent, you gain an extra dice to roll during any skill test. However, the challenge rating of any action which is lawful that you will undertake will increase by a level of one. [/hider]