There was an old naval saying: A stern chase is a long chase. The adage was proving true as the Caledonia slowly closed the distance on the Even Chance. Urien yelled into a series of brass speaking tubes, urging the engineseers to squeeze more speed out of the ancient and venerable drives. Lazarus lead the way down into the Enginarium where he had established what might only be described as a lair. Strange machinery of every type was scattered around, the air was thick with incense and sacred unguents, and robed acolytes droned in litanies of sanctification as they bent over obscure devices. Space had been cleared at the center of the enginarium and a large structure that looked something like an Astartes drop pod had been placed on the deck. Cabling ran from it in all directions, plugging into other devices or vanishing beneath the deck plates like a metallic waterfall. The air fairly hummed with electricity and I felt it prickle on my skin as we approached. "This an improvised Teleportarium," Lazarus explained, "as soon as we approach within about ten thousand kilometers I will be able to transport you aboard the enemy vessel." "How many of us can it send," Hadrian asked, glancing at the various petals, which now that we were closer, appeared to be pads. "Three at most," Lazarus admitted, he reached out and gripped Hadrian's shoulder. "And it cannot be me, I have to stay here to operate the machine." "I will go," Lucius Raj rumbled. Hadrian shook his head. "If we get aboard, we will need to find the Heretic Vorn by stealth, we cant hope to fight the whole ships crew," he explained. Lucius tightened and released his fists, his knuckles popping unpleasantly. "Once we disable the ship, we will need you to lead Caledonia's boarding party," I soothed, gently stroking his mind with my psykana touch to keep him from the killing rage that was building. He nodded and gave me a slight bow that was almost more disconcerting than him punching a hole in the bulkhead would have been. "Clara, Emmaline, and myself," Hadrian decided. I felt my stomach lurch slightly, being teleported onto a hostile ship full of heretics and the Emperor alone knew what else didn't fill me with enthusiasm. I thought briefly about changing back into the sororitas armor but that would hardly make me less conspicuous. "Are you alright Emmaline?" Hadrian asked. I nodded my head. I wasn't afraid to be thought of us a coward, but I could see the utility of having my talents along. "Just thinking I should change into something less conspicuous," I explained, peeling away my veil. Hadrian nodded. "Fetch her some coveralls."