[center] [h2] [color=d7d7d7][b]Roland[/b][/color][/h2] And [color=0072bc]Robot[/color] [color=ec008c]Girls[/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/G46AIKo.jpeg[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/kxFo3GL.png[/img] Level 5 Roland - (33/50) Level 13 Blazermate (Holding 5 level up) - (11/130) Level 7 Susie - (21/70) - (Holding 3 level up) [hider=Auto Repair] Thanks to Tycoon, while Susie is out of combat, her and her equipment including her business suit will rapidly regenerate back to full health.[/hider] [b]Location:[/b] The Avenger [b]Word Count:[/b] less than 750 per character. [/center] Given the ability to explore this ship, Roland, Susie, and Blazermate split up much like the rest of the group to explore the ship as they saw fit. Seeing as the ship was so large, each person had their own ideas of what they did and didn't want to do, and went off to do so. Roland=========== [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/66nvdJc.png[/img][/center] Though the Avenger offered a whole lot of places to go and interesting people to meet, only one place sounded good right now to Roland: the bar mentioned by the younger of the two Lockheart siblings. Though it couldn't be later than one or two right now, it was never too early to start drinking, especially when one hailed from a world as bleak as Roland's. In the mood for something to take the edge off, Roland tailed Cirrus through the ship's interior. Why bother with the signposting when someone was already headed straight there, after all? If Cirrus noticed, he didn't seem to care, either. It wasn't long before he reached his destination at the end of what would be a nondescript-looking hallway if not for the neon sign bolted onto the the wall. [i]Stolen Moments.[/i] Inside lay a small bar, styled to resemble an establishment from older, lower-tech era, with middling success. Without much in the way of wood or decor beyond a three-layer quarter-circle shelf with various memorabilia, it relied on the contours of its bar counter and the festival lights that hung from it to seem more rustic and homely. Across from the more warmly-lit bar, however, lay a wall of plaques beneath a cool blue glow. Each one bore dozens of names, lined up in neat stacks with military efficiency. This, Roland realized, must be a memorial as well as a bar. Its presence here deepened the sense of stark melancholy hear, and made the doleful look on Cirrus' face as he stepped behind the bar a little more understandable. "Didn't waste any time, huh?" he remarked, his tone a little derisive. Behind him stood shelves of various liquors and mixers, and even a mini fridge with fresh fruits. His bottle of bright yellow Electric Reserva, however, remained seperate. "What's your poison?" Roland looked at the newcomer, before saying. [color=d7d7d7]"I'll take whatever you have. Surprise me."[/color] Roland didn't turn down a drink if offered, not usually. Cirrus snorted, thought for a moment, then got to work. He selected a bottle of golden whiskey from the shelf, then used a silver jigger to pour add two parts to a wide Old Fashioned glass with a single round rock of ice. He eyeballed the perfect amount of syrup and aromatic bitters, then stirred the mixture with a thin, corkscrew-handled spoon. Next, he cracked open a fresh can of tangy ginger beer with a satisfying pop, then poured it over the booze before pushing it Roland's way. "The Doomsday Clock," he declared, with the air of a bitter joke about him. "To make whiling away your seconds a little easier." [color=d7d7d7]"Thanks."[/color] Roland said as he took the drink. He was used to drinking beer out of a can, not actual good liquor, so he savored his first sip. Noting the name of the drink, Roland looked at the wall before turning to give Cirrus a half glance saying. [color=d7d7d7]"Isn't that the truth brother... isn't that the truth."[/color] Roland said, continuing to work on his drink and relax. Cirrus huffed. "Incidentally, that booze is gonna set you back one thousand zenny, 'brother'. Ingredients like these don't come cheap, after all." Cirrus said. Roland almost spit out his sip in surprise, having it go down roughly as he sputtered. Well, he wasn't sure what he expected. They weren't friends yet, barely even comrades. Guess he'd have to handle this with the mindset of the city, not the library, no free beer from Netzach. [color=d7d7d7]"Whoa, is that how you get all your money?"[/color] Roland said, digging through his pockets. He then remembered that Midgar tended to have all money be digital, which went away when the city went down. Well... that just sucked. "Can't pay huh? Well, I'll just keep a tab." Cirrus said. Roland could only sigh at his rotten luck. Susie============== Susie, being given the opportunity to look through the ship, decided to go take a look at what tech they had. Or barring that, perhaps find a workshop she could tinker herself. Considering Tora was here, there was probably one, and there was some things she had to look up and check on with her whole Tycoon fusion. It wasn't every day that someone fuses with a Guardian, and while she saw it could stop time, it could also apparently rewind time; something that not even Haltman Works figured out. Whatever engineering was involved in it was next level. Susie wasn't too surprised when she found an engineering workshop that was empty. Considering Tora was here, he was probably their only engineer. Having a bit of time to herself in a workshop with proper tools, Susie went ahead and began to tinker around with her new business suit, empowered by a guardian. It didn't take long for her to confirm her suspicions that this thing had some control over time, but what she didn't know is that it had some power over space as well. Although unlike its powers over time, it seemed that outside of its ability to cause a massive gravity well, its powers over space were... mostly non combative. Something to think about for later though, perhaps. What Susie did manage to do though, was tinker around with it a bit to unlock a new power it seemed to possess. Susie also learned that she got a bit of the benefit of whatever she got from her business suit, what with the spirit changing her appearance as well. Now if only she wasn't so... heavy feeling... Blazermate========= Blazermate decided to go take a look at the infirmary, but there wasn't all that much there. Unlike other places, this looked pretty high tech. Since they apparently hadn't been in combat anytime recently, there wasn't anyone in this place. Even so, the place looked pretty good at healing people, so while her healing gun was better, this wasn't a bad place at all. A few moments after Blazermate entered, one of the Lost Numbers who'd emerged to check out the newcomers followed her inside. He was a young man, eighteen or nineteen, with short, well-kept hair of a very light orange-brown shade, with horn-rimmed glasses that didn't seem to have any lenses over eyes kept closed, his neutral expression one of polite confidence. He possessed a wiry build beneath a long white coat, buttoned in front, which made him give off the air of both a doctor and a priest. A crisp tie, shaped like a red cross, and black slacks completed his officious look. On his belt he carried a trio of distinctive red med kits, confirming his role here at as a healer, but at the same time the young man looked ready for war, with a dangerous-looking [url=https://i.imgur.com/cpvUhK4.png]instrument[/url] handing from his other hip, and a [url=https://i.imgur.com/VxDQ3Ai.png]crossbow[/url] slung across his back. Something about his face seemed familiar. Where had Blazermate seen those features before...? "If you chose to come here of all places, I'm guessing you're a medic as well," the man said. His voice sounded gentle, but that struck Blazermate as an affectation, rather than his natural tone of voice. "I hope our medical accommodations are up to snuff. It's nothing fancy, of course, but we're good at what we do. Have to be, in a world like this." He clasped his hands. "My name is Eleison. Right now, I'm the main healer aboard the Avenger. I may not have a medical license, but neither did my mentor, hehe. It's the results that matter, wouldn't you say, miss...?" "Oh, I don't have one either. Medabots don't have to worry about that stuff. And yeah, any battle you keep all your parts in is a good one!" Blazermate said. Granted she caught is tone of voice, and something about him seemed... odd? But she couldn't put her finger on it. "I'm Blazermate, looks like I'll be helping heal people here too! But other than that, I'm kinda up for.... almost anything?" She said, scratching her chin trying to figure out what was off about this situation. Eleison gave her a polite smile. "Good. You never know what tomorrow will bring, after all, and we must be ready when the time comes. The enemy is relentless, and if our side losers its lifelines, it's only a matter of time until the cause is lost, as well." He gestured at the room. "If you need anything, let me know." He seemed interested in the Medabot's medigun. "Though, I get the impression that you do most of your healing in the field, rather than the operating table. I'm the same way. Only the toughest cases, like corruption and disease, typically end up here." For a moment longer he held her gaze, as if expecting some sort of question. Then he turned to go. "See you around." "Bye! Hope to work with ya soon!" Blazermate said, waiting patiently for Eleison to head out before she moved out herself. Curious, Blazermate also checked out the crew quarters, but didn't see anyone but Dawn and Sandalphon on the way there. Apparently the other lost numbers were elsewhere through the ship, or were off somewhere else. Well, Blazermate wasn't sure what she expected from what looked like a military ship, although it took her a bit to figure that part out. After all it was an alien ship. Still, she saw the ships medic, and that was nice. Why did it feel like he was part robot though?