Aeglesia took the axes. She held one in each hand and briefly felt silly. She should have, like, a belt or a pouch or a big magnet stuck to her back or something for situations like this. She couldn't put these in her backpack, right? That seems super disrespectful. Well, she had a sheathe for her sword, so she was just going to have to stick one awkwardly into her belt where it'd flop around dangerously against her leg and hold the other in her hand all the time. "Princess Jezera is a shapeshifter lioness," said Aeglesia, clinging to conversation topics she knew about and doing her best to keep eye contact (or, more realistically, throat contact, but oh wow that [i]jawline[/i]...) "She's very mobile, but she's her to raid Princess Qiu's territory and to do that she's bought her retinue. You'll probably want -" there was hesitance in her voice, a girl about to choose the coward's path - but then she swallowed, gripped her axe more firmly, and filled herself with determination. "- You'll want to take Fallweaver! Fallweaver is Jezera's Baroness, she's a witch of autumn. She's not any good in a fight herself, but she creates all kinds of monsters to protect her. She wears a bright white lab coat and has black hair with an orange streak. She'll be wherever the trees are most, uh, autumny." She knew even more - she was an avid reader of Princess Jezera's fan websites. Not because she really liked her - though she did! Uh, that was she liked her, the normal amount. But because she'd been opposition researching Jezera for an opportunity like this. She had to pick a Princess as her target and Jezera had seemed the least scary - and fighting a lioness felt like the most Roman thing to do. "If you take her, then Jezera will come for sure!" said Aeglesia. "And I won't waste the chance you give me!"