[quote=@Kronshi] [hider=He just likes fire guys] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240504/0ef46fcfbed7a73c6ab4f67a6f39c18e.png[/img][/center] [hr][b]Title:[/b] [color=f94449]Brann The Everflame[/color] [b]Full Name:[/b] Brann Lohgtroen (Pronounced Brawn Low-true-in) [b]Age/DOB:[/b] 22 Prior To Slumber / March 15th [b]Height/Weight:[/b] 5'5" / 146 lbs [b]Sex/Gender:[/b] AMAB / Agender (Still uses he/him pronouns) [hr][b]Appearance/Physical Description:[/b] [hider=Faithful Priest][center][img]https://images-ng.pixai.art/images/orig/0d0cb530-02f8-4896-9eb4-013597c51c0b[/img][/center][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] [color=f94449][i]Faith... What is Faith really? The belief in others, in a higher power, humility, and trust. You must be willing to accept that someone may be stronger than you. You follow these bright individuals, [b]LIKE MOTHS TO A FLAME[/b][/i][/color] Brann was the youngest of the Seven, and was one of the last to join them. Before his recruitment, he looked up to the others has heroes that had his utmost faith. Once he joined, he followed their every step until he followed them into a trap. But even then, he called out to his allies to have faith. Faith that this would not be the end, faith that they would escape the fate they were given Now, with his reawakening, Brann has become deeply resentful of the people who betrayed him. Deeming the council to be blasphemers who deserve to grovel at the Seven's heels and beg for forgiveness. He is deeply critical of others, and holds them to their ideals and demands perfection of adherence to them. Those that don't are hypocrites and traitors to themselves that don't deserve to have their problems solved. He views the weak as those that need to give in more to their faiths if they want to become stronger, and the strong as prideful assholes that have no faith in others. Brann himself has lost faith in everyone but the Seven and there is no longer any winning his favor. [hr][b]Main Magic:[/b] The Flames Of Jophiel [b]Secondary Magics:[/b] Inferno and Fire [b]Virtue Key: The Blade Of Uriel[/b] [hider=Flaming Sword][img]https://d.furaffinity.net/art/modefact/1655652973/1655652973.modefact_mage_staff_presentation_da_et_fa.jpg[/img][/hider] [i]Looking much more like a Mage's staff than a sword, this blade served Brann faithfully as his standard through which he gathered other's belief in him and his abilities. The more the people loved him and cheered for him, the stronger he would become and the hotter his flames would burn. As long as the people had faith, Brann could borrow their Vitanima to charge the staff. By doing so, his magic could be empowered into their stronger forms with significantly less risk as the burden of any drawbacks would be shared by hundreds. However, the void has demented this power and removed its demand for consent. The more you disdain him, hate him, blasphemy against him; the more you subconsciously feed him your own might. Similarly, his enemies' pride will ultimately be there downfall, as to think you're better than him is blasphemy in and of itself. The blade now draws power from fewer targets and no longer shares the burdens of magic, but instead increases them and forces both him and the target of his Vitanima vampirism to suffer these greater effects.[/i] [/hider] With his magic, I'm wanting it to technically all be fire magic, but fire magic that he has honed to be so formidable that it has gained equivalent strength and drawbacks to Contingent Magic in the form of Inferno and Celestial Magic in the form of The Flames of Jophiel. If that's not okay, I'll make changes of course. [/quote] [insert wooyeah dancing alien] You've inspired me to rework the magic system because I really liked your view of the fire evolving with the levels of magic schools, so here you go: [i][b]At the [u]Cardinal[/u] level of magical schools,[/b][/i] the elements are restricted to purely their base forms. One who focuses their magic through Fire would be able to not just form, control, and manipulate fire in its literal form (see "Fire Bending" or "Pyrokinesis"), but so too, they would be able to cast spells with Fire as the focusing core of the incantation. This is to say, when casting, one uses the literal embodiment of Fire as a foundation for this spell. For example, if a Fire focuser were to cast a healing spell, it would be brought from the heat of the flame with themes of cauterization and sterilization. One could use a focus of Fire to mend and bind materials, or, on the contrary, they could use their fiery focus to boil and break materials down to their finer forms. For one who focuses on Fire as their center, spells are read as passionate and warm in nature. Naturally, all magic comes at a cost, though the drawback of these simpler castings is minimal. Headaches, fatigue, and hunger are the worst of the extent paid for Cardinal spellwork. [i][b]At the [u]Contingent[/u] level of magic schools,[/b][/i] the elements are broken own to their finer forms. One who focuses their magic through Fire opens way to expanding their power to encompassing the finer notes of the flame: Heat, Glow, and Spark are among these notes in the realm of Fire. These refined points of focus allow for finer, more refined spells when used as the focusing core. Heat is used for higher, more severe healing spells, while Spark is used not only to produce specialized flames, but can also be used in spells for energizing, inspiring, or even soothing. For one who focuses on the finer note of Fire as their center, spells are read as invigorated and hot in nature. Unsurprisingly, the cost of these higher level spells come quite greater. Headaches rise to migraines, while fatigue becomes utter exhaustion, and hunger is replaced with painful nausea and other internal pains. [i][b]At the [u]Celestial[/u] level of magic schools,[/b][/i] the elements are expanded further into their abstract forms. One who focuses their magic through Fire rises high in the overlaying planes of mortal and soul, evolving their power to reach the abstract characterization of the pyre: Passion, Ferocity, and Rebirth are among these characterizations. These abstractions of focus allow for the highest of spells when used as the focusing core. Most notably, one who focuses a healing spell through the abstract of Rebirth is believed to be capable of bringing a soul back to life, though to attempt this is said to risk the greatest of drawbacks. As is to be expected, the drawback of paramount spells like these is of the extreme. Migraines so severe they bring the onset of temporary blindness or deafness, bleeding of the nose, ears, and eyes, and exhaustion leading into long-lasting unconsciousness, and even coma and organ failure are possibilities when using these high-level spells. I have to take care of something irl right fast, but when I'm done with that, I'll work at expanding the other three cardinal elements into their finer notes and abstracts. Thank you for the inspiration!!