There was an absolute furnace burning inside of Clementine, watching someone trying to kill her brother Duncan. The girl might have a difficult relationship with her oldest brother, but that doesn't mean she would just leave her brother. However, the fact that both Duncan and Noa wanted Clementine to go with Noa, jump into the black van and speed away. Clementine's eyes blazed with the fervour of a solar flare, their fiery intensity a reflection of her deep connection to the sun itself. Like twin beacons of celestial energy, they shimmered with the radiant warmth of a thousand suns, each flicker of light a testament to the boundless power coursing through her veins. In the golden depths of her gaze, there lay an undeniable resonance with the sun, a connection that transcended mere mortal understanding. It was as if the very essence of the sun's fiery brilliance had been infused into her being, illuminating her path with its divine radiance. Yet, despite the radiant strength that pulsed within her, Clementine's eyes betrayed a lingering sense of uncertainty, a flicker of doubt that danced amidst the flames. As she turned to face Noa, her gaze wavered, torn between the urge to rush to her brother's aid and the instinct to heed Noa's call for retreat. In that moment of hesitation, her eyes seemed to shimmer with a conflicted brilliance, their luminous glow casting a soft, golden hue over the tumultuous scene unfolding before her. Though her resolve wavered, the radiant power of the sun still burned brightly within her, a guiding light amidst the chaos that threatened to engulf her. Then the blaring sounds of sirens filled the area, clearly, the police had finally arrived on the scene opposite where Noa, Errol and Clem, which caused even more chaos as more bullets started firing, but between the men in black and the city's police officers. [color=orange]"We can't just leave Duncan!"[/color] said Clementine finally, clearly wanting to help her oldest brother as the red-haired girl looked to Errol and Noa. However, She was no hero, she wasn't brave and she was scared. But there was no way she would just leave her brother Duncan, despite him being a stupid ass most of the time see him. Each orb crackled with the raw power of the sun, glowing with a brilliant radiance as she wanted to unleash upon the enemies threatening her family. And yet, all of that fiery heat in her was interrupted by a stray bullet, strafing her shoulder. In a cry of pain, Clementine tripped and fell in Noa's direction. Luckily, Clementine had powered down, so Noa could catch the red-haired girl.