[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/221005/7d7c778891f3387ab231a2bbd26f2d1e.png[/img] [b]Word Count:[/b] 1,031 [b]Level 6 Ganondorf:[/b] 18/60 [b]Exp Gained:[/b] +2 [b]NEW EXP Balance---[/b] 20/60 [h3]Gerudo Town[/h3][u]Sandswept Sky[/u][/center] [color=797979]”So, this Magog Cartel and their railroad pose another threat to the tribe?”[/color] Ganondorf asked the chief. The two were seated at a dining table in the palace that contained a spread of delicacies native to Gerudo Town. Some of these were treats that Ganondorf had not partaken of in a very long time, and so getting the chance to have some Gerudo dining was something appreciated. But the meal itself was technically secondary. There was more than just the Bandit Horde that Lady Riju wanted to inform him of, as was evident now. “I believe they might.” The young chief responded, “Though so far they have only expanded as far as Al Mamoon, a city to the northeast of us. But if we ignore them for too long they may encroach on Gerudo Town in the future.” [color=797979]”If I may be so bold,”[/color] Ganondorf said after a sip of wine, [color=797979]”I believe the solution may be to extend our borders.”[/color] He suggested. He knew what this would entail and was prepared to explain himself further. [color=797979]”Gerudo Town is defensible, but also a small hold compared to the foes thou art describing to me. But if you were to expand thy land and power…”[/color] “That would require an army.” Riju countered. “We have many warriors here, but not an army on the scale you would need.” [color=797979]”I hath built armies once before, I am confident that I can do so again.”[/color] Ganondorf replied. [color=797979]”In my era, the Gerudo were not the only tribe inhabiting the desert. Other tribes lived in its most remote regions, back then I needed only to bring them under my banner. Perhaps I can do so again in this era? If the neighboring tribes united under thy banner, then the army we need could be raised. And then we would be able to deal with the bandits once and for all, and oppose the Magog Cartel should they challenge us in the future.”[/color] “A bold strategy…” Riju said with a contemplative tone. “...can you pull it off?” [color=797979]”Not so long as the Consuls remain in power. Any progress we make, they would likely find a way to [i]un[/i]make. So eliminating the Consuls who rule over the Sandswept Sky needs to be my first priority. Only after that can the tribe truly increase its strength in the region. Thou spoke to me of Consul X already, but I have no doubt there is another behind the Bandit Horde or the Cartel. Sooner or later they will have to be eliminated.”[/color] “And that task will fall to you and your company… the Seekers, was it?” Riju asked. [color=797979]”Indeed.”[/color] Ganondorf confirmed. Right around then was when he heard Nadia’s message on his linkpearl. And a few minutes after that was when Primrose arrived, having been let in by a Guard. She delivered to him the linkpearl he had requested earlier and took her leave afterward. “Is that the gift you mentioned to me earlier when we first sat down?” Riju inquired. [color=797979]”As a matter of fact, it is.”[/color] Ganondorf said and presented the linkpearl earring to her, [color=797979]”This earring is called a linkpearl. The members of my company all possess one, and I as well. Simply wear it upon thy ear and squeeze it and thou will be able to speak to myself or any of my companions even when we are far apart. You may use it to communicate with me if the need arises.”[/color] “Is that right?” Riju said as she took the earring and looked at it more closely. Then she added, “Most interesting. And useful by the sounds of it. I’ll be sure to keep it handy. You have my thanks.” [color=797979]”Nay,”[/color] Ganondorf said shaking his head, [color=797979]”it is I who must thank thee. For letting me spend some time in my ancestral home and for opening thy doors for my companions so that this alliance could be made. But now I believe our time in Gerudo Town hath run its course for now. We must away to our next destination, but I shall return post-haste once I am able to. I bid thee farewell.”[/color] “Farewell and good luck to you.” Riju said in response. With that, lunch ended and Ganondorf took his leave. He stopped at the barracks to pick up his weapons from Linore, but then after that he made his way back to the station to meet back up with the other Seekers. Once again they took the Yellow Line in order to reach their next destination. [center][h3]Carnival Town[/h3][u]Sandswept Sky[/u][/center] With how lively and colorful this area was compared to everywhere else he had been, Ganondorf basically stuck out like a sore thumb with his dark armor and pitch black shade cloak. Not that he was really paying much attention to that. Similar to the Koopa Troop, he too had spotted the vaguely familiar name of Captain Falcon on the scoreboards. It was Bowser who described the Captain in question. The description was more or less accurate, although Ganondorf was convinced his punches were stronger still than the Captain’s. Regardless, the Captain in question had been a skilled combatant nonetheless and so the warlord agreed that they should recruit him if they were able to. But seeing as Bowser neglected to provide a physical description of the man, Ganondorf decided to supply one now. [color=797979]”Just look for a man in dark blue clothes and a red helmet that masks his eyes. That is what he looks like if memory serves me.”[/color] Of course, Ganondorf was also not entirely thrilled about the idea of recruiting even more Koopas. The three they already had were already troublesome in their own right so the thought of increasing that number to five was nothing short of groan-worthy. But bolstering their ranks was unquestionably necessary, so Ganondorf would just have to grit his teeth and put up with it for the time being. The warlord took another look around at the bright colors and heard the music playing from everywhere, [color=797979]”...I miss Gerudo Town already.”[/color] he muttered with a sigh.