[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/iz6MXRY.png[/img][/center] [b][color=c4df9b]General[/color][/b] [b]Name:[/b] Martin Loxley [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Gender: [/b]Male [b]Height:[/b] 5’11 [b]Weight:[/b] 170lbs [b]Nationality:[/b] French-American [b]POB:[/b] Toulouse, France [b]Mutant:[/b] No [b]Relatives:[/b] Jesse Loxley (Father), Nicolette Loxley-Veilleux † (Mother), Noa Loxley (Sister) [b] [color=c4df9b]Physical Description[/color][/b] Martin is a slim man of average height with a tan complexion, blue eyes and short dark brown hair which curls at the ends and is relatively untidy. Typically, he wears unassuming clothes designed for practicality over comfort and he walks with a limp in his right leg. [b][color=c4df9b]Backstory[/color][/b] Martin is the second child of former American soldier Jesse Loxley and his French wife who met while the former was serving overseas. While initially seemingly set to have a normal upbringing, he lived a relatively sheltered life until his mother’s illness forced a drastic change onto the family. Without their mother’s business acumen, the family’s restaurant suffered and their father accumulated debts until its closure, forcing the remaining family’s immigration to the United States to live with the other half of their family in Minnesota while they sought to rebuild their lives. Only months after their arrival was the family again upturned by the disappearance of Martin’s older sister, pushing their already heartbroken father into a breakdown. Now living alone with his father, a shell of his former self, Martin’s goals centred on escaping their small town as his father began to slide into addiction. Aided partly by a scholarship due to his father’s military service, Martin secured a place at New York University and enrolled the following year. Removed from the safe bubble of the small towns he had always lived in yet already embittered by his circumstances, Martin was easily drawn to ways to direct his anger. After becoming an accidental victim in a botched robbery conducted by two mutants in his sophomore year, Martin was left with a permanent limp and an unwavering hatred towards mutants. His fervour led to the creation of a group of like-minded students and a wave of political rallies that grew in popularity until they spread beyond the borders of the university campus. [b][color=c4df9b]Personality[/color][/b] Although Martin prides himself in being loyal and protective, anyone who might benefit from such characteristics are few and far between as he is equally narrow-minded and prejudiced, though this is exclusively directed towards mutants. His experiences in life have left him bitter and hardened though he is not devoid of empathy. On the contrary, he is an advocate for protecting people who cannot otherwise protect themselves, particularly against mutants, which stems from his own injury at the hands of mutants and the feelings of anger and powerlessness that followed. His extraversion and charismatic nature allows him a certain degree of influence and persuasion over others but it does not cross over the line of arrogance, rather he portrays himself as confident to hide his true inferiority complex.