The Lambda shuttle came out of hyperspace both on target and on time. The pilot, a youth straight from the academy, breathed a sigh of relief. They felt safe in the knowledge that their charges would soon get off his ship. Flying with one dark Jedi was bad enough, but two was enough to make him sweat. He gazed out into the view port at their final destination. The Death Star II was finally beginning to take shape, but it was still far from complete. The hanger bay was fully functional, so that was good enough for him. "We should be landing in just a few minutes, my lords." he said to his passengers. "Good." said the looming black shape of Darth Vader. "Do not disturb us again until we land." The Dark Lord turned to his new apprentice. "They are weeks behind schedule. The Emperor has decreed that we must... motivate them. I will let you take the lead on this, my young apprentice. Do not disappoint me."