[center]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━[/center][table][row][/row][row][cell] [h2][color=598527][i][b]Kathryn Pyke[/b][/i][/color][/h2][i][b][color=598527]Human, Fighter (Rune Knight), Level 05[/color][/b][/i] [color=598527][i][b]HP:[/b][/i][/color] 49 / 49 [color=598527][i][b]Armor Class:[/b][/i][/color] 19 [color=598527][i][b]Conditions:[/b][/i][/color] N/A [color=598527][i][b]Location:[/b][/i][/color] Avonshire [color=598527][i][b]Action:[/b][/i][/color] N/A [color=598527][i][b]Bonus Action:[/b][/i][/color] N/A [color=598527][i][b]Reaction:[/b][/i][/color] N/A [/cell][cell] [right][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/7884b36a-e3f0-48fb-9689-1a8fd4af7f5a.png[/img][/right] [/cell][/row][/table][center]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━[/center] Kathryn had won. Now that the mission was over, she was allowed to drink as much as she wanted as long as she could still move under her own power. Or at least had a spot she could collapse too. Or until she did something comically regrettable... But as that was not now! It was a win. Kathryn watched as V carefully and deliberately picked out a bottle. Kathryn figured with the smaller woman being so well versed in that style of life she must have a good enough understanding of the drink to pick one for any occasion! She wondered what the thought process could be under that hat. Kathryn gracefully accepted the wine, and made a mental note that if she were to ever return to a noble life style she should probably go to V for some refreshers on the best dos and don'ts. As Kathryn was very much out of practice in that matter. "[color=598527]Thank you so much Victoria.[/color]" Kathryn said with a smile as she delicately took the bottle. Gave it a brief pondering look, before removing the seal around the cork, taking off her glove and pinching the end of the cork with her fingers to get a grip. Slowly pulling the cork out little by little, the ends of it splitting as she tugged. And once it was out enough for a little more than a finger to grip it, she took it in her fist and yanked the cork off. "[color=598527]There we go. Fucker put up a fight.[/color]" She had never had such problems like with with a beer bottle, so she wasn't totally sure why people preferred the stuff to it. Or whiskey, bourbon, ale, or other liquor. Buuuut she didn't hate the stuff, and going to a winery, might as well get comfortable with the taste. Kathryn took a swig from the bottle like she would a tankerd of ale, or from a water from a water skin. When Kosara offered to cool it Kathryn perked up. "[color=598527]Can you do that?[/color]" Kathryn asked almost bewildered. She knew her tiefling friend could do a lot with magic, but she had no idea what extent she could do. "[color=598527]I mean if it's no bother, I would love that![/color]" Kathryn would hold the wine bottle out to see whatever trick Kosara had up her... Lack of sleeves. Despite Kathryn's lack of understanding of most things arcane, she found herself extraordinarily fascinated with it. Even the tricks she had picked up recently were far from anything as fancy as she had read about from old adventuring stories. She wasn't even sure it was considered the same kind of magic as the rest of the party was capable of practicing. Speaking of which, Blackberry had asked about some of the tricks Kathryn had picked up. Kathryn lit up with glee, like that of an excited child about to show off their school project. "[color=598527]Okay. Okay okay okay.[/color]" she spoke up trying to hide just how excited she was, and failing. "[color=598527]So, in some of the books Victoria has had her face glued too for the last few days, she found some notes on Runic Magic. Not too different from the old clan magic from my homeland. She claims it's written in Giant, but as it still makes no sense even when translated, I have doubts. But she's the expert so I think her word is better than mine...[/color]" Kathryn said a little defeated, but that quickly burned off. "[color=598527]Buuuuuuuut! Some of my schooling from before I left home covered old clan runes. And thought my understanding is flawed, and my schooling was incomplete, I was able to make sense of some of the runes, and have been practicing their abilities! Like uh....[/color]" She looked around for something she could show her entry level runic magic against, but much of it was rather destructive, or so passive it really couldn't be made into a show. "[color=598527]Okay so I can't do all the cool flashy things here without causing some major problems...[/color]" She said, sounding defeated yet again. But perked up. "[color=598527]One I tried to do was one that could essentially turn me into a giant! At least... for a moment. If... I could get it to work right.[/color]" She said disappointed, but not defeated. "[color=598527]Last time I made it to nearly ten feet! Then uh... puked my guts out all over the road way... where it sat glowing for a bit before I fell into a deep sleep inside the barn... I think I messed up a few things there because I don't think I returned to my original height either. My tunic I wear under my armor hasn't fit right since... And door ways have been so much more of a pain since as well... BUT! I think I am getting closer! And if I can get it to work right once, I think it should return me to my original height as well.[/color]" Kathryn said optimistically, though she had no basis for this theory. She was just tired or door ways meant for people a lot shorter than she was battling for the same space as her forehead. "[color=598527]I'm not gonna try it again here unless I gotta. Last time made me sick as hell, and I don't also wanna find myself stuck at like... 40 feet tall. I also have been hungry as hell since then. Swear to the gods I could eat a fucking horse right now. Then there is still a lot of guess work as I try to sort out all of this stuff. But sooner or later! I will get it down![/color]" Then there was the question of why the goblins had such magic in their camp. Even if in it's current form at the time it was little more than just notes. Kathryn watched as V sent her new raven up. And Kathryn had to admit, it was great seeing the small woman get so excited. Even if it confused Kathryn watching V act as if she were the bird. Or... was she? Kathryn looked up at the raven, and back down to V. "[color=598527]Holy shite that's cool.[/color]" Kathryn mumbled as the raven began to explore around. Kathryn found herself listening intently as she spoke about what she could see. Even mentioning the travelers that were approaching them! Such a super useful skill. Kathryn wasn't sure how she felt about the description V gave. Could mean anything from travelers down on luck, to needing to prepare to defend themselves. Realistically, the first was more likely. Seemed her party was also split on what to do in the coming situation. Kosara wanted to feed them, and Blackberry wanted to prepare for the worst. "[color=598527]I worry about acting as if we are preparing for the worst. If they're already in a poor mood, or on the verge of being hostile, we don't want to provoke or exasperate them. Though He's right, Cecily and Lizbeth, you both should probably get out of the way. I don't much, but I think outright hiding may put them on edge too.[/color]" Turning to the rest of her party she attempted to list a game plan. "[color=598527]If things to go to a head, I don't think we should focus on fighting. We should try to deescalate, and if need be shock and awe. Give them a spook, and let them either back down or calm down. But I want that option to only be used if we have too. Chances are they are just having a really bad day. But with so many of them, and fairly well armed, I'd rather be prepared too.[/color]" Kathryn wasn't worried. It didn't show in her posture, nor in her voice. "[color=598527]We're all gonna be friends here.[/color]" But after how things went a few days ago, she could understand why anyone acting in even a remotely aggressive fashion would put them on edge.