[h1][u]Ciara Ventura[/u][/h1] [i][color=gray]Wingram, Forest[/color][/i] [@Nanaya], [@Psyker Landshark] [hr] [i]This is as good an opportunity as any to secure an advantage.[/i] Ciara blinked, stunned, as she watched the door with the dark one disappear. An advantage? For what? That’s when her face turned slowly towards Iraleth, and trepidation entered her system. The dark one [i]had[/i] to mean Iraleth, right? They were fated to duel in just a handful of hours, were they not? Her hand gripped the sword tighter. Iraleth’s back was turned to her, wholly focused on the shadowy Beast. Now [i]would[/i] be an opportune moment as any other to strike her down. Forget the duel. Forget a fair fight. Just end her troubles right here and now. Safer that way. She might actually lose a fair fight. She took a step forward. Better just to end all her problems right here and now. The Voices in her head were silent, bated breath. But before Ciara could act on her dark impulses, the shadowy [i]thing[/i] spoke. It had separated partially from the wolf and was looking directly at her. [i][b]"It truly is a shame to be assaulted by a fellow sufferer, and for that sufferer to unite with the worshiper of a false deity,"[/b][/i] Ciara’s dark amber eyes narrowed, and she lowered her sword hand slightly. [i]Fellow sufferer?[/i] What was this dark being going on about? What did it know? Her eyes glanced at Iraleth. [i]United, huh?[/i] She stared silently before turning her eyes back to the small being. [b][i]"I have been vanquished, great heroes! You may now proceed to take me to your leader, or whatever else your protocol is around here. I invoke my prisoner rights and safeties!"[/i][/b] Ciara stared a moment longer, ideas forming in her mind. She immediately stood a bit straighter, and teleported in a gust of wind, appearing in between the little shadow being and Iraleth. Her stare was cold, looking at Iraleth over Otis’ raised sword. She only spared a slight glance to the shadow being, reaching out towards it with an arm. [b]“Attach to me, we need to talk. [i]In private.[/i]”[/b] She spoke low to the being, the tone in her voice giving little in the way of negotiation. Her eyes snapped fully back to Iraleth, teeth bared. [b]“Don’t try and stop me.”[/b]