Mother Dula waited for the bowl to be emptied, then she leaned over and scooped it up. With a formal air, she set it underneath the table with the dragon eggs, then turned back to the crowd. She let the people take in their numbers, then gestured for silence. When that did not work, the loud clong of the drum was more than enough. [color=00B4D8]”It is time to begin.”[/color] A group of priests and guards pushed the crowd up against the walls. Some more readjustment meant that food tables were pushed up against the walls. The testing tables created a semi-circle, with the eggs at the open end. Mother Dula stared out at it all, then nodded her approval. Her voice filled the room, [color=00B4D8]”Who has drawn the first slip?”[/color] Mother Dula’s gaze cut across the crowd. She did not wait for a response when her gaze landed on Gwynn. Her lips curled into a small smirk. A gesture to one of the tables sent several men scrambling to bring it to the center. The table was, perhaps, the most sparse. It contained only two items. A blade and a brilliant, green crystal on a golden stand. The blade was slick with some sort of liquid. Perhaps a poison. [center][img][/img][/center] [color=00B4D8]”Come. Introduce yourself.”[/color]