[h1]Ruined Inn[/h1] [hr] "Not everyone here has whatever your strength stat is and a warhammer, you know." As much as I'm glad she used it and crushed the undead, I really hope that the girl in the white robes and armor isn't going to go assuming everyone has whatever freakish layout she has going on. My strength stat is the bare minimum and I don't have anything aside from my staff. I can't say I favor my chances in the same situation, so I'm hoping I don't have to put that to the test. ... Did the other elf just tell me not to cry? I wasn't going to cry! And I'm definitely not now! Am I?! I can't help turning away quickly, embarrassed. Did I seriously--- I'm an adult. A grown man! ... Well, this body isn't a grown man's, though I'm definitely not a child. There's no way I was on the verge of tears and didn't even realize it, right? Is it really because the hormonal balance of this body is different then I'm used to? That I'm simply not used to dealing with the ways a small elf girl emotionally responds to things? I know it can't be the same as an adult male human's, but--- Aah, I don't even what to think about the fact I might have just nearly cried in front of a bunch of strangers! At least I can distract myself by answering his questions. "I-I'm making a lot of assumptions, but-" Wait wait wait. Did he offer to hug me?! I feel like the stare I give him is probably enough of an answer to [i]that[/i], but I'm not about to let it go. "I'm an adult. And a stranger. Do you seriously offer to hug adult strangers all the time? Please tell me you don't." Sucking in a deep breath, I try to calm myself. My heart's not beating quit so fast, and I can easily avoid looking at the dead zombie. "L-like I said, I made a lot of assumptions, but..." I pause a moment. It really is a lot of guesswork, but it's what I have to go off of. Two of us are elves, we're all dressed up in robes and armor, and magic clearly exists. "I'm guessing this world is a fantasy setting," I continue, "Something out of story about elves and dragons and magic." The only thing we don't have right here was the dragons, after all. At least I hope so. "So it doesn't run on the same principles as the world we were born in," I add, "These undead are probably animated by magic. Rather then dying, it's more like a car breaking down. If your car irreparably breaks down, you're going to leave it, right?" If magic is making it move, then it doesn't need the brain to stay intact. But a broken spine or destroyed limbs means it can't move anymore. "That's probably what happened." I take a deep breath and glance at the rest of the cellar. "We should take what we can and get out of here. I doubt the whole world is like this, and we don't have any source of clean portable water anyway. So, we need to find a way out of this city." [@PKMNB0Y][@Aku the Samurai][@SilverPaw][@RolePlayerRoxas]