It took a moment for Elijah to even register his hand was getting shaken. By the time his brain caught up, the handshake was already broken. Elijah blinked, finally making eye contact with the people around him. His nose immediately scrunched at the man who was talking to them that was not, in fact, Li. Elijah hated that tone of voice. He knew it well, though it had been a good few years since he had last heard it. Probably at one of his father’s events. Elijah gazed around the room he had been dragged to. His continuing thoughts on potential escape routes also meant he could ignore how much Falcone embarrassed him with her forward behavior. It also meant he could avoid staring at Li, which was relieving. He was not sure he would be able to avoid it otherwise… How long had it been since he started that habit? Not staring. No. The habit of searching out escape routes. It was after he had first become a firefighter… right? That sounded right. Maybe being a superhero was weighing on him more than he realized. Elijah did not have a lot of time to dwell on that thought. He anxiously tugged at the shitty collar. God, he hated this part of the job. He sat down at the large table at the center, though he did not stay sitting for long. One of the many issues with being covered in big ass armor was how heavy it was. The chair groaned immediately under his weight and he decided it was not worth the risk of breaking it. Falcone continued speaking, though it was initially to herself as she pulled out a clipboard and started taking notes. [color=#d8bfd8]”Mm… Ignored request to only speak to Lilian…”[/color] She paused and scanned the room, then sat to the left side of the head of the table. Elijah moved the chair at the head of the table out of the way and stood where it once was. He went back to his thoughts, though he paid a little more attention as Falcone continued, [color=#d8bfd8]”Lets keep this efficient Mr. Amie. I assume you have your questions prepared? As stated in the contract we sent your boss, King Stag will not give up information about his or other’s identities. He will not be speaking about certain restricted topics, such as his private, intimate affairs. Is that all understood?”[/color] At least Falcone knew what she was doing. Elijah was not her only client. Hell, not even technically her most popular one. Elijah took a deep breath and finally made eye contact with Li. He can do this. It’s just answering questions.