[center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230710/8fd3ba642e008a8302700ef896bc5e90.png[/img] [hr][hr] [img]https://media1.tenor.com/m/x5Q0SVHINQsAAAAd/new-york-city-nyc.gif[/img] [@Kirah][@Kuro][@Theyra][@Trainerblue192][@ArticBeaver][@PatientBean] [h1]Local Time: 7:55AM[/h1][/center] [hr][hr] [@Kirah] The kitten started to tense up in Mandy's arms a low growl could be felt in her arms and the purring quickly stopped, the kid took a step back and looked at the sign that Mandy had shown him, he looked confused for a moment. He could read but wasn't sure what the word deaf meant. A few seconds later a older woman came wondering down the aisles until she spotted Mandy and the little kid and quickly ran up to them. "Grandma a kitty!" The little boy yelled out as he quickly approached the elderly woman as she gently patted him on the head while looking over at Mandy. "I'm so sorry." The woman said and looked at the notepad that she had out. The boy then looked at his grandmother and then pointed over at the notepad. "What does that word mean?" He asked as the grandma gently patted him on the head "This lovely woman's ears don't work properly and can't really hear you." She explained as the boy looked up at Mandy for a moment and nodded slightly he seemed to understand from what his grandmother had told him. [@Kuro] [@Theyra] Jeff looked at Isaac as he finally came into the Twin Seasons and gave him a slight wave. "Everything is good here, grills are heating up and should be ready soon Kali set up most of the dining room up now already, and everyone else just showed up as well to." Jeff told Isaac as he looked at Kali and shook his head slightly. "The Yankees are a great team and always win." He said as he went back to doing some of the prep work now. There aren't any customers just yet which was probably a good thing and the rest of the staff were all finishing getting stuff ready. "But yes what Kali said what were you planning for the Specials today?" He asked him. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=6A5ACD]Kaitlyn Carver[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/64/28/5f/64285f0a129f2f94cff7a323ab0ed2eb.gif[/img] [i]Location: NYC, School Hallway. Skills: N/A [/i][/center] [hr][hr] "I'll call it in." The officer said as he started to dial the police as well as an ambulance as well to, he waited until all of the students and teachers were away from the scene and was getting ready to enter the boy's locker room. Kaitlyn looked at Hermes and nodded towards him. [color=6A5ACD]"Sure thing, do you need to go home early, and is there anyone that you'd like to call or text?"[/color] She asked him letting Hermes lead her towards his locker. "Maybe it's something to do with this virus thats been going around or something like that?" Hannah whispered to Hermes, he was more or less a zombie expert or something, he had forced her to watch some zombie movies and shows as well to from time to time. Kaitlyn seemed to be worried about what had happened to Hermes and noticed what was on the other side of that window to. It didn't take to long before they were in the hallway where Hermes' locker was located now. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=8FBC8F]Flynn Price[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/1b/27/e2/1b27e22fd5d8ed7894991871b73e337b.gif[/img] [i]Location: NYC Cafe. Skills: N/A [/i][/center] [hr][hr] Flynn started to calm down as the officer wondered off to make sure that the rest of the scene was cleared, he turned to look at Becker he was gratful for her to convince the officer to not take them to the station. [color=8FBC8F]"Thank you for the help."[/color] He said to her as he looked over at his friend who was still sitting in his truck and poked his head out. "Looks like we aint eating here, theres a joint called the Twin Seasons you want to come? You can take your lady friend with you if you want." He told her which Flynn shook his head slightly. [color=8FBC8F]"Might as well exchange numbers just incase the cops ask us and make sure our stories are straight or whatever."[/color] Flynn offered to Becker it seemed like a good idea anyway. As Verity walked up to the camera man he looked over at her for a moment seeing that she wanted to get a glimpse of what he had captured on the camera and decided to show her. The body bag had just suddenly sat up just as the doors closed behind the paramedic that had closed it, as he looked at her. "That shit aint normal right?" He said to her.