[hr][hr][center][h3][color=a187be][b]🌈👻 Leda Storm 👻🌈[/b][/color][/h3][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/24d233203ba177eff60c84345d385502/tumblr_inline_p1oaitQ5YD1rifr4k_540.gif[/img][hr][b][color=a187be]Location:[/color][/b] Tartarus [b][color=a187be]Skills:[/color][/b] Superspeed [hr][hr][/center] Leda nodded, listening to the criteria. It was going to be a [i]long[/i] journey - and she wasn't even sure if time moved normally in Tartarus as compared to the rest of the world. For everything that she knew about the gods, she knew frighteningly little about where they were now. But she had her speed, and that was an asset. [color=a187be]"'Course, everyone knows that the high ground is for winners,"[/color] Leda agreed, as she exited the cave with Mads. Mads seemed remarkably well adjusted to all of this - and Leda didn't know if it was just a mask or if she also felt terrified. [color=a187be]"Hm, I s'pose monsters do eat for more than, just, recreation,"[/color] she commented - perhaps a bit foolishly. Monsters loved to eat demigods all the time, but Leda had never really considered whether they [i]needed[/i] to eat. They reformed and turned into dust when they died, and they were monsters, so she'd never really thought of them as truly living, breathing creatures that would need food. But that was obviously the case - she hoped - and that there'd be food down here. Not that Leda herself needed food. She was dead, after all. [color=a187be]"Though I think the food and water is more of a you problem than a me problem."[/color] But nonetheless, Leda gave her a wink before taking off at a dash. The immediate area seemed clear, so she let herself use her speed, scouting ahead quickly. At first, she couldn't find much of anything. But eventually, she found a nearby ravine, featuring dead trees and rocks that would provide cover - and a pond with clean water for Mads. Racing on back, Leda then relayed her findings. [color=a187be]"C'mon, follow me."[/color] [hr][hr][center][h3][color=#9370DB][b]☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️[/b][/color][/h3][img]https://hips.hearstapps.com/digitalspyuk.cdnds.net/16/43/1477667692-heathers.gif[/img][hr][b][color=#9370DB]Location:[/color][/b] Lotus Hotel and Casino [b][color=#9370DB]Skills:[/color][/b] Prophecy [hr][hr][/center] Nancy's hearing muffled, her vision blurring as her body sank into the vision - as her limbs shook and twitched, her corporeal form no longer her own. And she was no longer in the place of her greatest tragedies, her spirit gone from the Lotus Hotel. No, instead she was in a famous scene - a park she had seen time and time again on the silver screen. With the skyline, it was unmistakable. It was Central Park. This was New York - Greek territory. She was not alone either. Diana's hunters were with her, as were Niah (her heart ached), some of the Greeks, and two faces she did not recognize. A newspaper blew by in the wind, indicating the date - July 4th. But that wasn't what caught her attention. No, it was the Doors of Death. They were here. She reached out instinctively, wishing to pry them open and force Mads back to her, but the vision faded away, disintegrating to dust before her eyes. Her cards were spilled on the floor, dirt sullying the gleaming gold backings. And she was on the floor, the sobs still ripping themselves from her throat as her lady - as her goddess - swore on the Styx that she would help, that she would use her hunters to find the Doors, to save Mads. Her lips twitched. Demetri said that they had to leave now - that they had to return to Camp. Rome needed her. No, Rome needed [i]Mads[/i]. Nancy needed [i]Mads[/i]. Janelle's vision detailed them making it to Tartarus, to a shrine of Mercury. They couldn't wait months. She couldn't just go back to Camp Half-blood and wait, waiting for the doors to open. [color=#9370DB]"Let me come with you - let me help your hunters look,"[/color] Nancy asked. [color=#9370DB]"The Doors will be in Central Park on July 4th. But Mads can't - [i]I[/i] can't - wait that long."[/color]