[color=silver][CENTER][img]https://i.imgur.com/ZX8Nhy1.png[/img] [hider=💀][color=silver][center]20 | Female | Maverick Alternative | [s]So[/s](ME)[s]thing[/s] On Your Mind Kiss & Make Up | Handgun | Physical | We Are But Dust and Shadow Hellspawn | Streetside Devil Friends on the Other Side | Shadow | Abyssus Abyssum Invocat [Obfuscate, Intangible] Damage X (6), Restrain (4), Blink (4), Minor Heal (2), Summon (4), Enhance (2), Powerful (0), Homing (2), Avoid (2), AoE (2), Bend (0), Construction (4) [b][Gold Spawn][Obfuscate][Summon] = -216[/b] DAMAGE: B | SPEED: C | SENTINEL: E | 1000 PHYSICAL: D | ARCANE: D | CHAOS: E | 784[/center][/color][/hider][/CENTER] God, [i]finally[/i]. Some action. Ciri stretched her arms, eyes flicking between the mission briefing on her phone and her quarry across the alley. He'd yet to spot her. She doubted he would anytime soon, too ecstatic to see anything but his... ugh, dinner. Ciri wasn't far enough away to be spared from the smell. ... Yeah, the 'action' was basically just convincing a dumpster diving dragon man he could do better than a rotten, half-eaten McRonald with a side of flies, but it was better than sitting on her ass all day. Now, Ciri wasn't the most diplomatic member of Maverick Alternative, but from what she understood, this mission didn't exactly hinge on diplomacy anyway. Which was why she'd made some preparations ahead of time, as she'd seen the guy occupy himself with the dumpsters. She'd give him a chance to come peacefully — [i]everyone [/i]deserved a chance, after all — but if he didn't, her little shadow friend hiding at the entrance of the alley would employ its own method of coercion. And the best part about today's mission? There wasn't anyone around to criticize her way of doing things. Ever since Maverick Alternative lost a significant amount of its freelance labour, Ciri'd been flying solo more often than not. Yeah, it was boring sometimes, but beat having a pussy-ass [i]freelancer [/i]for a partner. Seriously, fuck 'em all. Bunch of flaky cowards, dropping their pants and bending over to whichever direction money happened to flow from. As for her actual colleagues, well, Ciri figured shit was on fire up top after what'd happened with the Diver, so most of their manpower was elsewhere. They had a lot of new monster recruits, and someone had to train them before they could be sent out on the field, too. Besides, it wasn't like Ciri was alone. She was never alone. She had her summons, and [i]It [/i]was around. It was always around. Alright, enough bullshit, time to go. Ciri made sure the shadow creature she'd summoned, molded into the form of a featureless gorilla, was still in position, ready to leap out and block the dragon's path if needed. Meanwhile, she stepped brazenly out of her hiding spot and leaned a shoulder on one of the larger dumpsters. [color=#7e4393]"So,"[/color] she called out in what she meant to be a conversational tone, but probably held a little too much of her usual cynicism. [color=#7e4393]"What's a guy like you doing in a dumpster like this?"[/color] [/color]