[color=goldenrod][i][h2][center]Gerard Segremors[/center][/h2][/i][/color] [color=goldenrod]"Seems sound enough on its face."[/color] Gerard replied with an assenting nod, voice a low puff of smoke. His eyes were too cast upon the apex of the hill, wary daggers pointed towards the vague pair perched on high as he played the last minute over again in his head. He'd been across the blast, nearly turned away, and the flash of azure had crept through the corners of his eyes in the same instant as Rolan's voice reached his ears, nearly dying in the man's throat. He'd whirled about-face to try and get the Captain, Gertrude, His wedgemates, [i]anyone[/i] close by clear... but only had the phantom burn at the ends of his nerves to show for it, as the torrent of mana shore through armor, skin, muscle, and finally burned his mind out as it reached bone. All of that, in the span the Gerard that entered the dream might have spent on a blink. That was as good as caught unawares. Properly humbling, given how they'd only just torn through Prince Erion's guard. As the light had cleared and he'd run his habitual "what the hell just hit our guys" headcount, the Roses were revealed to, as always in this place, be whole, hearty, and assembled anew. Collecting himself in even pace with everyone, he took the reminders as they came. [color=goldenrod]"If they're giving us time, for my money it's wise to use it. Assuming running a lap on the perimeter doesn't count towards their definition of 'climbing', it'd be good for a few of us to scout for those separate points of insertion, get a clear picture of our options. Might find more obscured routes, might find funnel zones that'd get us killed if we had to commit to them, might find a sheer cliff face behind. All would be good to know about early."[/color] He scanned the surroundings, before glancing down to the smallest of their lot, reincarnated fairly nearby. [color=goldenrod]"Captain. You're more schooled on troop movement and tactics in the broader scope than me. How's it all look to you?"[/color] [@Eisenhorn][@VitaVitaAR]