[color=#d8bfd8]”Very well then.”[/color] Falcone relaxed back and started taking notes. Elijah had been so distracted that he had not even realized Li was talking to him until it was nearly too late. Even then, it took him a second to comprehend the question and focus on the matter at hand. He put on his focused, courageous mask and nodded firmly. [color=#9d9751]”I’m doing well. Glad to be here today.”[/color] It was not so much a lie as a half truth. He was glad to be there, but doing well? Quite frankly, he was anxious. Anxious beyond measure. This was his first true interview and it would certainly get around. On top of that, he had seen how Li reacted to that one guy and really did not want to disappoint this adorable little reporter– this reporter. He put on his heroic smile, even if Li could not properly see it. It helped with his air of confidence. [color=#9d9751]"And yourself? How're you doing today?"[/color]