[indent]There were two things Lilian noticed as the interview started. First was that Jenna Falcone was taking notes, and he wasn't quite sure why, but it made him extremely uncomfortable. His mind raced, wondering just what the hell the overly professional woman could be writing about him, and he was damned glad he had written down all the questions he planned on asking King Stag because anything he knew he wanted to ask was completely shot out of his brain like some kind of cruel ejection pod. [color=ff664d]"I'm doing alright, myself, thank you for asking,"[/color] he replied, just as masked as his guest. That was the second thing he noticed. King Stag, while he wasn't necessarily [i]lying[/i], most certainly was not being open. It was obvious from the hero's demeanor that he was nervous, but Lilian knew better than to poke at that. He casually picked up the notebook and flipped the top page over to glance at the next before returning to that first page, [color=ff664d]"So. King Stag. How does this all start? Being a hero. We all know the story of your first appearance. Taking out the local villainess, Lady Radiance, who plagued our city with deadly fires for months on end. But what brought that? What called for King Stag to be?"[/color] It was one of his softer questions, and in that, it was a good start. A question about the hero's start was quite literally a good point to start on. Thematically, and just for cohesion. Lilian wasn't full of himself when he claimed to be one of the best writers in the company. He knew what he was doing. It was why he did what he did to begin with. He just hoped that little miss PR wouldn't butt in and say the question was too personal or anything like that.[/indent]