The escape went as smooth as it could. Errol managed to pull Duncan into the back of the truck alongside Clem. Now that they were relatively safe, Errol could feel his adrenaline begin to subside and heavy breathing to catch his breath followed. Recalling Clem's failure to respond to what he said to her a second ago, he turned to face his sister. She was in distress, of course she was, after what she just went through and what she just [i]did[/i] to that woman. There was no doubt she was going through all the motions. Errol scooted closer to Clementine and examined the graze on her shoulder. He was no doctor, but from his experience, he knew this wouldn't be life threatening. [color=fff200]"There's gotta be some first aid in here."[/color] he muttered to himself, climbing over into the passenger seat. These guys looked like some sort of paramilitary organisation, mercs or something. They'd be pretty stupid not to carry first aid in their vehicles, right? Rummaging through the glove compartment, he found a small first aid box. [color=fff200]"Thank you, Noa."[/color] he said, placing a hand on her shoulder [color=fff200]"For looking out for Clem."[/color] Errol climbed back into the back seat and opened the kit. Thankfully the contents inside had everything he would need to treat an injury involving a bullet, due to the work these guys seemed to apparently be involved in. [color=fff200]"Roll up your sleeve."[/color] Errol pulled out a disinfectant wipe and quickly warned his sister [color=fff200]"This'll sting a little."[/color] before placing it on her wound and wiping around it. [color=fff200]"I'm proud of you."[/color] he said with a smile [color=fff200]"You did good. Not dying is pretty impressive and you took a bullet like a champ."[/color] Errol hoped Clem would at least crack a smile with this. Once he was finished disinfecting her wound as best he could, Errol began to cover it with some bandages. Hopefully, Clem's mutation would allow her to heal from this faster than most... or something. As he continued wrapping the bandages around her shoulder, Errol addressed Duncan [color=fff200]"You used to run with the X-Men, yeah? Buddies of yours?"[/color] he asked. [color=fff200]"Also, some asshole called me a "mutantspawned leech". The fuck does that even mean?"[/color] Errol wasn't a stranger to mutant prejudice, but he had to admit, he'd never heard something as colorful as "dimwitted lowborn mutantspawned leech" been hurled his way before.