[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/JFdGtNN/Your-paragraph-text-removebg-preview.png[/img][/center] [color=808080] Walls were being hoisted up on the mildly cold day. The sun might have not been shining and has not for the last handful or two of months, though it was such a pleasure to be in this land. Heavy breathing and individuals out of breath were everywhere as groans and aches could be heard around the area. The work had started early, very early, and it was almost time for lunch. “[color=a93226]Put your body into it![/color]” A recognizable voice could be heard echoing out to the small group of men as the pirate-like-dressed noble hoisted a singular wall up by himself. Most people would assume that the man had muscles for show and they were useless. His flamboyant personality and wildly chaotic energy played tricks on other people’s thought processes on who Cyrus ‘Sunni’ Emberani truly was. A smiling face could be seen amongst the crowd as he stayed at a forty-five-degree angle with the earth beneath him. Mud. Trudging mud was beneath him, and it was caked on his boots like a cold in someone’s nose. Annoying yet manageable. It was clear to anyone that the man had possibly fallen and slipped on the muddy ground that they were working on quite a few times. “[color=a93226]You two, stop staring, and secure the wall before I drop it![/color]” Sunni commanded as two younger gentlemen stood around. Boys. They had never worked on building houses and they were from Aurelia — common folk that grew up on a blacksmithing forge. “[color=ffffff]Y-yes, sir![/color]” Both of them almost got out simultaneously. They both rushed and almost ran into each other to start securing the wall so it would be able to stand by itself with some support. As it was secured, Sunni pulled himself up with the rope so he was standing straight. Tall. He was quite a mess in this scenario — sweaty along dirty. A bath would surely be needed later, though the day wasn’t even at half. “[color=a93226]You two are learning so quickly, you’ll be building houses by yourself soon enough![/color]” his words of encouragement were emphasized with him patting the one’s shoulder and messing up the younger one’s hair. He was used to being around so many kids that he forgot sometimes — people didn’t want to be treated like children, even if they were. The two boys were not yet men. The one was on the brink, while the other was still young and boyish in stature. “[color=a93226]Come on. Let’s take a break. All the walls are up and secured. We will have to work on building the roof for the rest of the day, but hopefully we can get it on tonight,[/color]” he was such a positive man. The one sighed with his words, “[color=ffffff]It’s so much work…[/color]” the younger one whined. Sunni chuckled and nodded his head, “[color=a93226]It is indeed, but you will be better for it,[/color]” he hooked the young man’s chin into his hand while looking into the unfamiliar green eyes. “[color=a93226]If you need a break, tell me, I won’t be mad. I understand that this work isn’t for everyone and if you want a different job. I can find you something,[/color]” letting go of the boy’s chin. Sunni decided to go to the Eye of the Beholder Inn. Somewhere he fancied being because of the socializing and him being needed. “[color=a93226]Now you either can catch up or I won’t pay for your meals,[/color]” Sunni waved while both of the boys hurried up to his side. They were talking amongst each other as the trio entered the inn. Before he entered the building, he tried his best to stomp all the caked mud off him. Trying his best to look halfway decent. “[color=a93226]Go order, and I will tell Syraeia that it is on me,[/color]” Both of the boys ended up departing from Sunni as he cleaned himself off before entering, which was something they did not do. Looking at the floors, he nodded [color=a93226] — I’ll have to sweep and mop later — [/color] he thought to himself before entering. Going up to the bar and right behind it, he waved with a charming smile at Syraeia when he caught her in his eyes. “[color=a93226]Syraeia, both of those boys, they are on my tab for right now,[/color]” he informed her while pointing over to the two young men over at a table with only themselves. Sunni went into the kitchen, and he began to make whatever he wanted — usually stuff that was off the menu since he enjoyed cooking and knew his abilities. “[color=a93226]Syraeia, do you need help!? After I am done eating, if something needs to be caught up on, or if you need a hand with filling the demands of customers. Let me know. I think the boys need a break from the building. I have been driving them like mules,[/color]” he lightly laughed while creating his meal. [hr] [@PrinceAlexus] Syraeia Leela [/color]