[color=a9a9a9][right][sub]Timestamp: Right after "Skill Issue" Location: Jade's House -> Beverly Hills High School[/sub][/right][/color] [center] [img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjEwNi45NDAwMGYuVTIxMWNtWnpJQ1lnUjNKbGJXeHBibk0sLjA,/onlyyou.regular.webp[/img] [img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/02d8c306467917628fd7ae227a9d3be6/tumblr_nfhl71Wqku1tk6djfo1_500.gif[/img] [sub][@Bee] and [@Grimoire Gaming][/sub] [hr][hr][/center] [color=#a9a9a9]Luckily for Oliver, he had nothing to worry about with his girlfriend’s radio silence this morning. As soon as he arrived in front of her house she came prancing out of the door with her Cinnamoroll backpack and helmet in hand. He shook his head with a chuckle. Her gear was… [/color][color=#a9a9a9][i]extra[/i][/color][color=#a9a9a9], but it made her smile. And if Jade Nguyen was happy, Oli was happy, simple as. [/color] [color=#a9a9a9]Oli gave her a big good morning squeeze when she greeted him with a hug. Once she put on her helmet, he pressed two fingers to his helmet, above where his mouth was, and then proceeded to press those fingers to her helmet above where her own lips would be — an indirect kiss, as was their morning routine. Jade then hopped onto the seat behind Oli and held him tight around the waist as he sped them off towards BHHS — going significantly closer to the speed limit with precious cargo on board.[/color] [color=#a9a9a9]Arriving at the school, Oli killed the engine and kicked the stand out to steady his bike. While Jade stepped off the back, he removed his helmet and then followed suit. He roughed up his split-dyed black and blond hair to get rid of the helmet head and grinned stupidly at Jade, eagerly awaiting a proper good morning kiss. [/color][color=#009485]“Mornin’, kitten.”[/color] [color=#a9a9a9]As the motorcycle came to a stop, and finally shut off, Jade’s helmet came off and was met with that damned smile that she fell in love with. She couldn’t help but to smile back. [/color][color=#aec6cf]“Hi, Oli Woli :3” [/color][color=#b7b7b7]Jade mused, as she went on her tippy toes to meet Oli’s lips with her own. [/color] [color=#aec6cf]“Sorry, I forgot to respond. I was playing solo queue all night.” [/color][color=#a9a9a9]Jade ran her fingers through her hair, shaking it a bit to also get it untangled from being under a helmet for so long. [/color][color=#aec6cf]“You wouldn’t believe who I had to deal with today.”[/color] [color=#009485]“[/color][color=#009485][i]All[/i][/color][color=#009485] night? For real?” [/color][color=#a9a9a9]Oliver watched as she shook out her dark locks, wafting the fruity scent of her shampoo towards him. Strawberries and cream, if Oli were to try and guess the aroma. It was pretty and sweet, and it made him want to kiss her again. Instead, he listened to her rev up to a potential rant, and pulled her closer to him by her waist. [/color] [color=#009485]“You should get better sleep, babe.” [/color][color=#a9a9a9]The gentle command was spoken like warm, melted chocolate as he held their bodies close together. [/color][color=#009485]“Who’d you have to deal with?”[/color] [color=#aec6cf]“You know me!” [/color][color=#a9a9a9]Jade put her arms out, before curling up to Oli’s chest and looking up at him, her big ol’ eyes staring right into Oli’s.[/color] [color=#aec6cf]“See, I tried to sleep. But I couldn’t. I got trouble sleeping.” [/color][color=#a9a9a9]Jade shrugged, before pulling them along (slowly) toward campus. Jade had always claimed that she had insomnia, but really she just loved to stay up really late and sleep minimally so she can enjoy the peace and quiet of the deep night. It didn’t make much of a difference since her house was mostly empty, but she could still enjoy whatever control she had left on her day.[/color] [color=#aec6cf]“I had to deal with this Jinx - two items - and just as many kills, kept initiating fights he shouldn’t have! Typical AD Carry shit, dude!” [/color][color=#a9a9a9]Jade complained, putting her hands out as she complained about yet another shitty player in League. She put her face closer into Oli’s chest, taking a big ol’ whiff of him as well.[/color] [color=#cfe2f3]“:3”[/color] [color=#009485]“Smurfing or on your main?” [/color][color=#a9a9a9]Oli inquired. It could really go either way, shitters still existed in higher elos. [/color][color=#009485]“What was the lane state like? Did your jungler suck?” [/color][color=#a9a9a9]The gamer’s mind slipped effortlessly into coach mode, eager to analyze what could have gone wrong in a game hadn’t even watched let alone been a part of. Jade cared just as much about her ranking as he did his, albeit for different reasons, and as her boyfriend, he was always looking to see her improve as much as possible. But sometimes, Jade just wanted to complain for the sake of venting — unfortunately for her, Oli had a hard time separating those moments from the coachable ones.[/color] [color=#aec6cf]“Smurfing.” [/color][color=#a9a9a9]Jade replied, [/color][color=#aec6cf]“Queue times are too long on my main.” [/color][color=#a9a9a9]Jade’s main had peaked at challenger as recently as last season, but this season was giving her a little more difficulty. Compounded with the absurdly long time it took for her to get into the game and she instead played on her other account.[/color] [color=#aec6cf]“Every lane was pushed to their tower except mine. Yet, Jinx just walked past the wave and started fights. The jungler kept failing his insecs. He put the ward too far so he would try to do it and then fuck it up and then stand there with his dick in his hand as our teammates would die!” [/color][color=#a9a9a9]Jade frowned, continuing to walk at an angle as she continued to complain to Oli.[/color] [color=#009485]“See,”[/color][color=#a9a9a9] Oli [/color][color=#a9a9a9]tsked[/color][color=#a9a9a9] his tongue in mock disappointment. [/color][color=#009485]“This is what you get for staying up too late and playing without your challenger-ranked boyfriend.” [/color][color=#a9a9a9]He glanced to the side to give her a playful smirk. Despite the fact that he was just teasing her, she really [/color][i][color=#a9a9a9]did[/color][/i][color=#a9a9a9] look tired. [/color][color=#009485]“And now my unhinged gremlin is rocking some serious raccoon eyes. You didn’t even respond to my texts.” [/color][color=#a9a9a9]There was the slightest of pouts on his lips as he led them towards Jade’s homeroom.[/color] [color=#aec6cf]“I forgot! I thought I replied.” [/color][color=#a9a9a9]Jade frowned again, before going on her tippy toes to plant a kiss on Oli’s cheek, [/color][color=#aec6cf]“Does that help you feel better? 🥺”[/color][color=#a9a9a9] The unhinged gremlin used her other hand to rub a circle on her eyes. Were they really that bad? Was she full raccoon right now?[/color] [color=#a9a9a9]Oliver looked on with an amused half-smile as Jade attempted to rub the tiredness from her expression. When she took her hand away and looked back up at him with her big doe eyes and pouty lips, he tilted her chin up with two fingers. [/color][color=#009485]“Hmm, It makes me feel—” [/color][color=#a9a9a9]he began to speak before leaning in close, so that he could whisper in a lewd tone meant only for her ears. [/color][color=#009485]“ —like you weren’t a good enough girl to deserve what I sent you.” [/color][color=#a9a9a9]Oli pulled back with a devilish twinkle in his eye, leaving nothing but the ghost of his words against her cheek.[/color] [color=#009485]“Will you still be up for going to the game tonight, or will you need a nap?” [/color][color=#a9a9a9]He asked, switching back to his usual tone, as if he hadn’t just said what he did.[/color] [color=#aec6cf]“What you sent me???” [/color][color=#a9a9a9]Jade looked down at the pocket her phone was in. There was no way in hell she’d be opening the text thread with Oli at school now. Too risky. Jade pouted again, [/color][color=#aec6cf]“You hate me for real…”[/color] [color=#a9a9a9]The football game was absolutely something that Jade forgot about. Hell, she barely knew it was spirit week, and based on the way most people were dressed, it was school color day. There was a lot of black in her outfit, so she had [/color][color=#a9a9a9][i]at least [/i][/color][color=#a9a9a9]50% spirit. [/color][color=#aec6cf]“I’ll go. Maybe I can find some time to nap in between… if not… I’m pounding a monster.” [/color][color=#a9a9a9]Jade blinked twice, before slapping Oli on the shoulder.[/color] [color=#aec6cf]“Not like that! Pllleaaaseee don’t say ‘it’s me I’m monster’.”[/color] [color=#009485]“Pfft, like [/color][color=#009485][i]you’d[/i][/color][color=#009485] be the one doing the pounding.” [/color][color=#a9a9a9]He replied with a cocky smirk. Glancing at the clock, he only had a few minutes to get from outside of Jade’s homeroom and to his own. They were practically on opposite sides of the school. [/color][color=#009485]“You should get to class, babe. I don’t want to be late. Again.” [/color][color=#a9a9a9]One too many days of getting distracted by having their tongues in each other's mouths made Oliver’s attendance record… less than ideal. [/color] [color=#aec6cf]“Okay 🥺” [/color][color=#a9a9a9]Jade mused, continuing to walk just until they got to Jade’s homeroom. It was convenient since it was closer than Oli’s, but if the tables were turned, she would’ve made him walk the extra distance to drop her off first.[/color] [color=#a9a9a9]Turning around as she waited outside the door, she tippy toed one last time to give Oli a good-bye kiss. [/color][color=#aec6cf]“See you laters. I love you <3” [/color] [color=#009485]“Bye, baby. I love you too.” [/color][color=#a9a9a9]Oli said as he gave her a second kiss on her forehead before turning heel to beat feet across the campus. [/color][color=#009485]“Try not to fall asleep in class!” [/color][color=#a9a9a9]He yelled over his shoulder before getting too far away.[/color]