[center][h1][b][color=purple]Pia[/color][/b][/h1][/center] [hr] Pia didn't need to be told. Her fear and desperation were already causing her power to go haywire, but she couldn't control it. It wasn't telekinesis. It was more like inanimate items were getting swept up in an energy tornado of her making. some larger items slammed into the sides of the monster but never hit the core. There even some smaller items that were bouncing off her and the others, possibly causing them some pain or distraction but never outright disruption. Pia didn't even know how to turn it off or turn it down. But she had a gun in her hands. She took aim. She'd never been trained to fire a gun but as long as some of the bullets hit the core, she'd be doing something. She opened fire.