[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/PLyfcLV.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/7CEeryv.png[/img][/center] [color=lightgray][color=E77298]Time:[/color] Morning [color=E77298]Location:[/color] Church of Sorian [color=E77298]Attire:[/color][url=https://i.imgur.com/2a38zwH.png]Dress[/url], [url=https://i.imgur.com/pSzLtit.png]Flats, Crown and Earrings[/url] [color=E77298]Interaction:[/color] [@Lava Alckon] Farim [@Rodiak] Nahir [@Potter] Kira [@Silverpaw] Wulfric [/color] [hr][color=lightgray] [color=E77298]"Aw, thanks, Nahir! I think so too! I look amazing in pink, don't I?"[/color] The princess agreed with a charming giggle. With a smile, she touched her arm gently as she assured her, [color=E77298]"You're gonna love it. Our religious ceremonies are enjoyable, actually."[/color] Anastasia then looked over her shoulder upon hearing a voice greet them. She immediately beamed at the girl and waved without hesitation. [color=E77298]"Hi Kira! Yeah, come pop a squat!"[/color] Her brother's arrival followed within seconds. Initially, her smile broadened. [color=E77298]"Wulfy awoooo!"[/color] She added another greeting with a giggle. Unfortunately, the wolf found its prey in Kira and immediately went in for the kill. Her smile fell, and she sighed. [color=E77298][i]He's never gonna get invited to parties if he keeps this up.[/i][/color] As if to echo Wulfric's call for protocol, the guards along the wall got closer. [color=E77298][i]Lame.[/i][/color] At least Nahir seemed to have a reasonable compromise. She appeared as nice and intelligent as Farim. Thus far, Anastasia had a great impression of the Alidasht royals. She gave Kira a sympathetic smile, [color=E77298]"Sorry, sweetie, catch up with us later for some cheese... I'd love to get to know you!"[/color] It was then that the background music faded off, and the side door opened. She was quick to rise, craning her head excitedly as Father Aldric Von entered the room. She didn't quite know the words as everyone started chanting with him, so she instead turned her attention to Count Monet's children, who had both climbed over the pews to crawl on the floor by the royals' feet. Finally, the grand doors in the back opened. A tug at her skirt pulled Anastasia's gaze, and she smiled. Young Fayette Monet was looking up at her with a shy grin. Annie knelt down and assisted the child in climbing on her back, then rose back up. [color=E77298]"Can you see now, Fayette?"[/color] [color=#FFD1DC]"Thank you, princess!"[/color] The child chirped and hugged her neck. The ceremony was as loud and intense as Anastasia always remembered it. It was more like a parade than what others may have imagined a religious ceremony to be, but Annie had always loved it since she was a child. It had always been exciting for her, and clearly, Count Monet's children were excited about it too. She could hear Fayette gasping in her ear. Meanwhile, young Beau was standing by the end of the pew watching the scene by Wulfric. Annie noticed him glancing up at the prince with admiration every time he wasn't looking and smirked to herself. She smiled upon seeing her father being brought in. It was still nice, despite it all, to see him appreciated for his role as King. Anastasia wanted to join in the applause, though her hands were busy holding the little girl's legs up still. Farim's voice reached her ears as the applause began to die down, and she said, [color=E77298]"Oh for sure. Fay and I saw it all!"[/color][/color]