[h1][b][i][color=CC99FF][center]Dorian Gray[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/2fe3c126-6e8b-4034-9d2c-cb85cfcb301f.png[/img][/center][center][/center][hr][center][color=CC99FF][b]Location[/b][/color]: Mario World [color=CC99FF][b]Skills[/b][/color]: [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/392257844256440322/1220897088322277436/Screenshot_20240322_204856_Instagram.jpg?ex=66109c05&is=65fe2705&hm=639d58a538e21bf7ab4251ae2cd57815ec479bf241a93e68c915e7f911234b1e&]Work Out Fit[/url][/center] [hr][hr] As the group moved forward, Gideon and Dorian worked in tandem to take down foes and carve a path to the endgame. Gideon had asked him why they needed Mads, something he'd mentioned he'd explain later, but he quickly came to realize there may not be a later. His worry was that if Arcade were to catch wind of the plan then he'd find a way to counteract it. But he could spy in at anytime, so then when would be a right time? Dorian thought on this as they pressed onwards, Mary Sue using her powers to help with obstacles that stood to either get in their way or attempt to obliterate them. No few times had there been close calls that gave Dorian a dash of adrenaline, a drive you only got in these types of situations…and pro gaming. Before they knew it they had made it to the end, the King Koopa himself standing before them. [Color=CC99FF]”OK. I ‘ave an idea. Keep Bowser busy while I work on somet’ing else.”[/color] Dorian asked as he took a step back from the front. He decided to give Percy's idea a try for once. There were only two ways to beat Bowser and one was extremely risky given how many players, the other…well he wasn't sure how well they'd handle a straight up fight against Bowser with no ranged abilities. So he attempted to focus on his body, his real body back outside of the simulation. Normally the system kept them from accidentally using their powers in the real world, or those tanks would get destroyed on the daily. But Arcade had removed the failsafes, allowing them to die if they did so in game. So maybe if he focused hard enough…maybe he could get his real body to phase out of the tank and take on Arcade one on one. Dorian closed his eyes, concentrating on the task at hand. But everytime he felt his powers begin to activate, he felt it in the digital world, not the physical. The neurons kept believing that this was his real body and not an assortment of pixels. [Color=CC99FF]”Right. Back to Plan A. Plan B was a no go. Let's kick Boswers ass, find Mads, and move on to operation Magnet Mads.”[/color] He said before they'd went into action. Sabine seemed to have a plan in mind, telling the others to get off the bridge asap. Did she watch his playthroughs? A part of him melted inside at the idea of her secret support. But that faded quickly as Bowser glitched and appeared back over to the bridge. Sabine behind him. [Color=CC99FF]”I'll hold him in place so he doesn't move or attack!”[/color] Dorian called out as he slipped out of the Koopa Troopa and floated towards the King Koopa himself. As he rushed towards him he simply…passed through. His possession didn't go as planned, and now he worried that Bowser would rain down on his allies. The Axe broke, the bridge fell under its weight, and Dorian stretched out his mind towards Mary Sue as he attempted to grip her with his telekinesis. The staff glowing and making its eerie noises but he was too slow. He wasn't able to grab hold of her and his heart sank.