[center][color=EE82EE][h1]Faye Wrexlyn[/h1][/color] [hider=Inventory] Pokédollars: 2,050 Egg in Egg Case 1x Potion 9 Pokéballs, 3 Mineral Balls, 3 Steam Balls, 3 Sky Balls Critical Capture Card (note for me-theplayer- that this helps with discount on custom pokeballs) Dawn Stone Camping backpack with a cold weather sleeping bag with a sleeping pad added to it, waterproof canvas tarp, 50 ft of rope, mess kit, extra clothes, a week of food (granola, jerky, [s]a few canned soup[/s], basic pokemon food for a few common types, etc), water purification kit and canteen, compass and maps of the region, magnesium fire starter, multi-tool knife, and [s]a camping saw[/s]. [/hider] [hider=Pokemon] [hider=On-hand] [hider=Sage][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/eff1d438-78da-49ea-9491-bc93a470ef66.png[/img][h3]♂[/h3] [b][u]Species:[/u][/b] Eevee [u][b]Type:[/b][/u] Normal [u][b]Level:[/b][/u] 6 [u][b]Status:[/b][/u] [u][b]Moves:[/b][/u] Tackle, Tail Whip, Growl, Sand-Attack [u][b]Ability:[/b][/u] Adaptability - Increases STAB from 1.5x to 2x [u][b]Held Item:[/b][/u] [/hider] [hider=Tilia][img]https://i.imgur.com/dOaqd7S.png?1[/img][h3]♀[/h3] [b][u]Species:[/u][/b] Rowlet [u][b]Type:[/b][/u] Grass/Flying [u][b]Level:[/b][/u] 5 [u][b]Status:[/b][/u] [u][b]Moves:[/b][/u] Tackle, Growl, Leafage [u][b]Ability:[/b][/u] Overgrow - Powers up Grass-type moves when the Pokémon's HP is low. [u][b]Held Item:[/b][/u] [/hider] [hider=Titania][img]https://i.imgur.com/tq8Ok9e.png[/img][h3]♀[/h3] [b][u]Species:[/u][/b] Tinkatank [b][u]Type:[/u][/b] Fairy/Steel [b][u]Level:[/u][/b] 4 [u][b]Status:[/b][/u] [u][b]Moves:[/b][/u] Astonish, Fairy Wind [u][b]Ability:[/b][/u] Mold Breaker - The Pokémon's moves are unimpeded by the Ability of the target [b][u]Held Item:[/u][/b] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=PC] [/hider][/hider] [/center] Okay, Rosa had a point. She hadn't actually stopped to think about the fact Tristan was kinda cute, but then there was the fact that she heard him rant about being the greatest trainer ever before she ever really got a look at his face. So maybe her opinion was skewed. Something else that she wasn't exactly cluing Rosa in on was that Tristan had been willing to go along with her reckless plan to go into the forest earlier. Before she lost her own nerve. So a willingness to go along with her hairbrained plans was a bonus. What fun was it to get into trouble alone when you could have someone watching your back? "[color=EE82EE]Well, you're welcome to join us to see if you get an idea. Like I said, Tristan's not as bad as he first seems.[/color]" Which reminded her of the stone in her pocket and the Eevee at her side. Just in time for their ride to get there. His help getting all the pokemon healed up at least crossed one more thing off her to-do list. And giving over the bit of metal she had on her - some can goods and her camping saw) to the Tinkatink that helped her checked off another thing. Partially. While Faye may have missed opportunities to snap some pictures of the Tinkatinks working on their weapons before she interrupted them, she seized the chance to capture a plenty of pictures of the pokemon working with the burly rancher to get the engine relocated. Mr. Anderson was even nice enough to give them a ride directly to Critical Capture, which Faye was especially grateful for given she knew she'd be hiking most of her entire journey just to avoid missing as much as she could avoid missing. With several parting thanks, she entered the store. Maybe she shouldn't have been surprised by how excited the shopkeep was, but at least she didn't look it given even in his excitement he still voiced what he had before - that it might not have been something she could fix. "[color=EE82EE]Yeah, well, it was easy once it got down to it. Glad it was something relatively easy to settle. Though I'm still not entirely sure why the Tinkatinks thought an engine would be better for their clubs than any of the tools the farmer had laying about.[/color]" She shrugged lightly, and a smile brightened her look. She blinked when Rosa piped up, and looked a bit sheepish. "[color=EE82EE]Oh, yeah. That'd be awful kind of you to spare some for her too. If it wasn't for Rosa here, that truck might not be getting repaired and on its way here. By the way, do yo have any scrap metal you could sell me? Thanks![/color] With that paid for, and Rosa's deal done, the trainer stepped outside. There were two conversations with Pokemon that she needed to have, but the most pressing one first...the tinkatink she had put in a pokeball to just help take it for healing before she realized Rosa's dad was going to help them out with it. The purple haired trainer released the Tinkatink she hadn't rightfully caught from its pokeball and crouched down. She held out the scrap metal to it. "[color=EE82EE]I promised you lot you could have some metal if you gave up that engine. While we took it from you, I still want you to have something to make better clubs with. The other one got the metal I offered before, and this is for you. You're welcome to come with me, but I'm not going to make you. If you do come with me, I promise I'll keep you safe and help make sure you always have the best club you can. Just like I'm going to do for Titania. So...will you come with me? Or do you want to go join your other friend - just promise not to steal any more engines, okay?[/color]"