Adam woke up from his rest, grateful to not feel like he was on the verge of collapse every five seconds. Sure, he wasn't [i]completely[/i] pain-free, but at least now things were now more coherent. The Druid took a few seconds to remember what had happened before his sleep; Fenna confirming that her bird could deliver messages, MacKensie confirming that he did need rest (and likely more than she knew), and James confirming if everyone could swim. Yes, the fisherman knew he could do so. Pretend or otherwise, Zell would not need to save him. How long had he been asleep for? The sight of a spectral horse returning to camp indicated that it had, in fact, been a long rest. Adam could feel that his shapeshifting capacity was restored also. If anyone was in danger, the red-eyed man knew he would transform to distract the enemy or help anyone in trouble.  It made sense. Bears can swim, after all.