[color=lightgray][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/YGxzxVR.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/A1P9wz0.png[/img][/center] [color=D0B4EC]Time:[/color]Morning [color=D0B4EC]Location:[/color] Church of Sorian [color=D0B4EC]Attire:[/color] [url=https://i.imgur.com/AAsuurI.png]Hair Style[/url], [url=https://i.imgur.com/VSMqVVz.jpegg]Dress[/url] [color=D0B4EC]Interaction:[/color][@FunnyGuy] Lorenzo [color=D0B4EC]Mention:[/color] [@Silverpaw] Wulfric [@Samreaper] Kazumin [@Potter] Olivia [@Helo] Leo [@Tae] Thea [@TpartywithZombi] Violet [@ReusableSword] Roman [@PapaOso] Cassius [@JJ Doe] Fritz/Ryn[/color] [hr] [color=lightgray] As the grand ceremony unfolded with all its excess and grandeur, Charlotte found her attention drifting away from the spectacle almost immediately. To many in the room, this was an event that one could not tear their eyes from. To Charlotte, this was something she had endured throughout her entire life. As far as she was concerned, the Gods has never done her any favors so why should she do any for them? And of course, King Edin certainly had not! Tucked in the safety of the back row, she felt secure in just taking some much needed time for herself. The cacophony of the choir and the music faded into a distant hum as she leaned back in her seat, her face hidden in her book. Committed to her promise, she first concentrated on drafting a list of advisors for Lorenzo—a task proving more challenging than anticipated. Prince Wulfric would undoubtedly favor nominees from the upper echelons of society, yet such individuals were often too preoccupied to provide Lorenzo with the consistent guidance he required. Additionally, they all didn't like him... And Charlotte did not like them either. Thus, those who made the most sense were people around Lorenzo often. That meant she, herself, was an option, however, taking advice from a woman was something he'd be ridiculed for. Nonetheless, she decided to put herself on the list. She intentionally left off Delilah, aware of her disinterest in the role, and excluded Benjamin for his eccentricities. [i] [color=gray][center][i]Potential Advisors for Lorenzo:[/i][/center] [u][i]Lottie[/i][/u][img]https://i.imgur.com/9nxYCAN.png[/img] [b]Pros:[/b] • Knows Lorenzo well • Was an excellent student in school • In constant vicinity of Lorenzo • Good taste in food [b]Cons:[/b] • Fun personality is intimidating • Hates politics • Most people will not respect the choice of taking advice from a woman [u][i]Kier[/i][/u] [img]https://i.imgur.com/wkOeFFA.png[/img] [b]Pros:[/b] • Always alert and sneaky • Cute • Is a long noodle [b]Cons:[/b] • Steals everything • Doesn't speak English • Is on this list in jest [u][i]Gilbert[/i][/u] [img]https://i.imgur.com/CZj6lAV.png[/img] [b]Pros:[/b] • Very smart • Cooks like an angel • Decisive • Lives in our house [b]Cons:[/b] • He's grumpy • Man of few words • May consider violence [u][i]Nathaniel[/i][/u] [img]https://i.imgur.com/gvJrMBr.png[/img] [b]Pros:[/b] • Personally assists Lorenzo already • Well-mannered • Respectable • Lives in our house [b]Cons:[/b] • Questionable if he will agree to do it • Gives judgmental looks [/color][/i] Once her list was finished, she ripped it from her journal and slipped the page into Lorenzo's hand to review. At this point, she glanced up and noticed the paper mache Edin heads. [color=D0B4EC]"Oh."[/color] She commented softly. If the man's face didn't fill her with such disgust, she might have laughed. With a sigh, Charlotte returned her gaze downward. On the clean page, she started writing down her thoughts. [color=gray] [i]Last night was a storm of emotions and revelations. My encounter with Count Calbert was more harrowing than I could have ever anticipated. His threats still echo in my mind, and so do his words as he revealed that he knew Kazumin and Seph had been sheltered in my home. I simply do not understand this. No matter how I wrap my head around the situation, I cannot name one person in the situation who would have informed him of such knowledge. Lorenzo protected us. Kazu and Persephone would be endangering themselves only to reveal so. Delilah and Gilbert are family. And Count Fritz has only been kind... Why would he? Would he even? Why has he been kind? Should I mistrust random acts of kindness? But then how will I ever enjoy the companionship of others if I live in my life in such a manner? My mother had always said I was too naive for this world. I know there is truth to this, that I am sheltered and inexperienced. I know that I am weak, but I must continue to try. For mama, papa, Lorenzo, Delilah, and Gilbert. For my darling Thea and Leo. For Crystal and Violet, whose very names make my heart ache at this moment. For Roman, whose name does not belong ridiculed in our morning paper. And for my new friends, Kazumin, Persephone and Fritz, who I must now betray. [/i][/color] Her expression saddened and she pulled her knees inward. [color=gray][i] I cannot inform them of Calbert's threats. Keeping such a thing from my friends is a heavy burden, but I believe it’s necessary to protect them. If they were to confront Calbert or retaliate, it could only serve to endanger them further and tighten his grip around us all. I hope that the fewer dramatics that occur going forward, the better chance Calbert will let his guard down. I truly want to hope that everything he told me had been a simple bluff. But in my heart, I know there is evil in that man and that he will choose to do things to harm them, so I must find a way. I could try to convince them to not travel alone, especially at night. If I am to be a poor friend and choose to withhold such an important truth, then I must at least be willing to do anything to protect them from the danger that lies ahead. What a frightful notion. Skinny, mousy Lottie being the one to stand between you and danger. Perhaps I should be praying to these Gods with everyone else if they even exist. It's no wonder I almost broke down in the middle of that ballroom. For a moment I let myself feel that dread deep in my soul. I know better than that. I know that letting that dread will only result in a self-fulfilling prophecy. I must be stronger than that and have hope that good will prevail. On a brighter note, Cassius was…unexpectedly comforting. He appeared as my world crumbling around me, and he held me together. There’s a warmth in him, a kindness that I didn’t expect from a spawn of Calbert. I find myself curious about the man behind the mask, and I do not just mean the one he wore to the masquerade. As I scan the church, I can’t help but look for him next to Calbert, but he’s nowhere to be seen. Perhaps it’s for the best. For now, I must focus on what I can do to help prepare and protect my friends. I will gather my courage and face whatever comes my way with resolve.[/i][/color][/color]