[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1238701071468335175/1239083276337942598/Untitled.png?ex=6646e7ba&is=6645963a&hm=f8145b18711f0a720d4d51e8ffaa92ee645f1e309704c6605bdc9a4dd252a24d&[/img][/center] [color=808080] A panic was heavily clouding the room as the realization that the first day of winter had finally been here. Today is the first day of winter. Officially. This was not something she wanted to acknowledge as she stared at her long list of many things that Dawnhaven’s people needed. She grumbled to herself as she sat at the foot of her bed, hunched over, and looking through the list. It was sad to see that only one-fourth of her whole list was actually done or set in stone. At least the beginning of what a town was had a friendly and resourceful merchant — Cyrus Emberani — who was very helpful in getting the items she needed. Sadly, she was informed by him last night that the order was running a little late. It should get here within the next few days and he apologized for it not arriving the week before the first day of winter. It might have been an oddity for such an estranged man to be alone in the princess’s room with her, but she didn’t think of Mister Emberani as a threat. He was a little goofy and somewhat of a pain in the ass at times though he meant good. At least she thought he did. “[color=a464b0]Elara, will you have time to help create blankets and accessories for the winter months? I feel like it will be harsh and we have no hands…[/color]” she sighed as she wanted to say more but found it to be lacking to do so. She muttered to herself some more. “[color=a464b0]And if you can, can you ask people, when it is convenient if they are capable of helping with the sewing and knitting of warm blankets and socks? I have no idea who could help us with those items except you and I,[/color]” Princess Octavia knew she was over worrying about everything but she knew she needed to. The winters could be so harsh. The princess’s request was more than a mere task; it was a plea for the well-being of her people. The warmth of a blanket or the comfort of a well-knit sock could mean the difference between endurance and suffering for many once the frost set in. Elara nodded solemnly, her silver hair catching the dim light as she spoke. [color=royalblue] “Your Highness,”[/color] she began, her voice a soothing balm against the chill of uncertainty present in the room, [color=royalblue] “the winter’s embrace may be harsh, but it is no match for the grit of the people here, I can assure you of this.”[/color] She bowed slightly, adding, [color=royalblue]“I will take your request to heart and ensure that no hand remains idle.”[/color] Another sigh could be heard from the princess as she had a piece of charcoal that was sharpened as a writing utensil. She was making more notes on her list of things to do, “[color=a464b0]I am not worried for our people, Elara. I am worried for the Aurelians who have no idea what is coming and their princess who is blinded by future fantasies without realizing all the steps in between now and then,[/color]” She huffed out her words while finishing the notes. Taking the piece of paper and moving herself to a desk. She set down the paper and turned to Elara with a smile. “[color=a464b0]I will be asking people too, so you will not be the only one, but we do not have a variety of people here. Not yet. It will be good to investigate everyone’s skills,[/color]” Octavia had a warm smile and bright eyes. She was excited to learn more about her husband and his people even if she had a torturous disdain for the moment. The princess of Lunaris was salty about her parents saying [i]yes[/i] for her and not giving her any say in the matter of marrying the man. She was trying to get over her own quick-tempered and hard-headed feelings of betrayal and stubbornness. It was such a difficult hump to get over internally. Elara’s presence was a gentle force as she approached Princess Octavia. With a touch as light as the moon’s rays on her shoulder, she offered a silent vow of unity. [color=royalblue] “Princess Octavia,” [/color] her voice whispered through the chamber, [color=royalblue] “The Aurelians may stand on the brink of the unknown, but I am steadfast in my belief that with your guidance and our collective efforts, we can cast a net of warmth to enfold them as well.” [/color] She paused, her words drifting down like the first delicate flakes of winter, foreshadowing the blanket of snow soon to envelop the land. [color=royalblue] “The journey of a sovereign is fraught with brambles laid by the hands of others, yet it is the courage within your breast that will turn these snares into milestones. Each stride, each decree, will be but a mirror of your intent and the depth of your compassion for your subjects. And I believe…that is the truest measure of a monarch.”[/color] A blush, like the faint kiss of dawn, bloomed upon Elara’s cheeks as she retreated a step, her eyes cast downward in a moment of deference. [color=royalblue] “That is my conviction, at least…Your Highness. ”[/color] Octavia returned the warm smile that she received from her hand maiden, “[color=a464b0]You would have honestly made a better royal than I have,[/color]” She chuckled lightly at her own words. “[color=a464b0]I do appreciate your very sweet and kind words —[/color]” she sighed at the thought, “[color=a464b0]— We will have to see how well we can provide for our counterpart people. I fear that they are not ready for the winter ahead and I do not know how well we can provide constant relief for them,[/color]” Octavia worried about the winter, the future, and everything. She was clasping onto the positivity that she needed to have but she didn’t want to. Her selfishness wanted her to lash out at Prince Flynn though she knew she shouldn’t. It was a war zone inside of herself and it helped to have someone so trusting beside her, Elara, was a savior at times. She had definitely calmed Octavia many times before so the princess’s fiery personality didn’t go nuclear. Shutting her eyes and putting out her hands, she took a deep breath in and let it out, “[color=a464b0]I should probably go find my husband…[/color]” The way she said that last part made it sound like she was telling herself a lie. “[color=a464b0]I mean, Prince Flynn… Prince Flynn still sounds better,[/color]” she added emphasis on what she preferred to call him —- she was trying to get used to being married to the man though it felt like they were only sometimes encouraged to be in the same area. It was almost like being around a sibling you argued with and was forced to sit beside at dinner while guests attended. Distasteful but there could be worse things in this world. With those words, the princess of Lunaris decided to go hunt her husband down to inform him of her plans and possibly her worries? [hr] [b]Collaboration with[/b] [@Qia] [/color]