[center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjYwLmY0OWFjMi5RMmhzYjJVZ1VtOTBhSE5qYUdsc1pBLjA/agenda-king.regular.webp[/img] __________________________________________________[/center] [color=silver][right][sub][img]https://img.pokemondb.net/sprites/sword-shield/icon/snubbull.png[/img] Abandoned Stellar Toy Co. Factory [@Rune_Alchemist], [@XxFellsingxX], [@Crusader Lord], [@Savo][/sub][/right] No sooner had Chloe spotted a potential exit — above, waiting at the end of a catwalk — when the factory around them suddenly whirred to life. The conveyor belts moved, shutters slammed in front of all their exits, and the air was filled with static, both audible and not. Somewhere, she could swear she heard laughter. But that must've been like, just her imagination, right? Pokémon didn't laugh like that, she was pretty sure. Snuggles started growling in her arms, struggling until she managed to slip down onto the floor. Sniffing at the air furiously, she tried to find the source of what was going on — and bite it if she could. Chloe was about to go after her partner, when she felt a jolt of static between her and Jill, the way one could petting a Skitty in winter, except this [i]hurt[/i]. She pulled her arm away on instinct.[color=f49ac2] "Ow! What was—"[/color] There was a frizzing sound by her ear, and Chloe froze in shock. She knew what that sound meant, understood the implications even before she saw Jill reach upwards to pat at her own hair. No. No, there was like... [b]no [/b]actual way. That wouldn't be [i]fair![/i] Chloe reached upwards with shaky fingers, combed them through her locks — and screamed. Loud. It echoed off the factory walls, filling the space and drowning out the incessant, buzzing sound of the screens. [color=f49ac2]"Oh my god, [i]who [/i]did this?!"[/color] She shouted at the [i]something [/i]that must've been watching them, her Pokédex held at ready as if it were a weapon.[color=f49ac2] "Show yourself!"[/color] [/color]