[center][h1][b]Iraleth Kyrios[/b][/h1][/center] Iraleth snapped. Ciara's last, [i]stupidest[/i] possible course of action was just too much for her to tolerate. Her sword came flying back out of its sheathe, and with a wave of her other hand, the blade began to shine with radiant light as Iraleth plunged headlong into the sphere of darkness, illuminating the area and trying to balance out the shadows. The half-elf interspersed herself between Ciara and the shadowy imp, her sword of light stopping to point at the witch's throat. [b]"I have given you [i]every. Possible. Chance.[/i] To simply be more than what I feared you were. You want me to treat you like an Umbralist so badly? Fine. We can have our duel right here and right now if you persist. But I warn you now: I would have spared you and left your fate to the faculty should I have won officially. Here? If you lose, I will put you down. This is your last opportunity to abandon this madness and [i]walk away[/i]."[/b] Her tone turned almost pleading, if it weren't for the undertone of fury still lacing every word. [b]"Stop making me have to try to kill you. I never wanted this to end in violence, you absolute idiot."[/b] [@Sifr] [@Estylwen]