The engine roared as the truck sped up to a destination away from here. Duncan doubted it'd be much safer, no matter where they'd go. Still bleeding, he took place in the backseat and glanced at the road before them. [COLOR=CRIMSON]"My god woman, what's with the caution?"[/COLOR] Duncan remarked angrily. [COLOR=CRIMSON]"You're French, so drive like one."[/COLOR] In all his visits to France, he had never seen a single one of them drive responsibly. He made an attempt to open the briefcase that was now in his lap, but the blood on his hands made it too slippery. Duncan cursed under his breath and let his power flare up. The wounds on his arms and torso began to glow as he looked at them, until he was covered by bright red marks. It was a technique he had developed - using his power to create small kinetic barriers that stopped bleeding better than any scabs would. [COLOR=CRIMSON]"Looking after her?!"[/COLOR] He forced his way past Errol to the front passenger seat so Errol could take his place in the back. [COLOR=CRIMSON]"Not only did this fucking friend of yours get her shot, she let her kill someone! You call that looking out?"[/COLOR] He'd trusted her with Clementine. Never again. [COLOR=CRIMSON]"You'll get three days once this is over."[/COLOR] Duncan growled at Noa. [COLOR=CRIMSON]"If you're not out of Clementine's life by then, you'll get to find out firsthand why Giovanni Corleone avoids Scandinavia."[/COLOR] He was fully prepared for violence as he made another attempt to open the briefcase. Even from Errol - despite him being busy enough with Clementine to likely miss the last remark. Finally he heard the case click, and open. He let out a short sigh of relief when the smooth white box inside seemed fine. He wanted to study it, but Errol's interruption made him close the briefcase again. [COLOR=CRIMSON]"I did."[/COLOR] He confirmed. [COLOR=CRIMSON]"Not precisely buddies. Call them admirers."[/COLOR] Duncan explained with a sigh. [COLOR=CRIMSON]"They're U-men. Homo Sapiens who harvest organs and body-parts from mutants and graft them onto themselves to become a superior 'third-species'."[/COLOR] Duncan's face flashed with genuine surprise at Errol's follow up question. Then snapped [COLOR=CRIMSON]"How is that what you're thinking of right now?!"[/COLOR] There was an urge to bash his head against the dashboard. A great one. [COLOR=CRIMSON]"That is the least of our worries you idiot! Do you have any idea what you've fucking done? Killed at least one? Made a car explode?!"[/COLOR] Duncan roared, barging over any protesting remarks with sheer volume. [COLOR=CRIMSON]"Worse- Clementine did too, in public goddamnit!"[/COLOR] He didn't believe it had dawned on any of them yet. [COLOR=CRIMSON]"There's nothing I can do for her now. Nothing! By the end of the day you'll both be marked as mutant terrorists. Don't think for a second that your powers will save you then."[/COLOR] He let a short silence fall. Then said [COLOR=CRIMSON]"Now be silent, I've a phone call to make. See if there's anything left to salvage of this godforsaken situation."[/COLOR] His phone was in the briefcase, he'd seen the message pop up. Choosing to ignore the hard comments, he called immediately. [COLOR=CRIMSON]"You're on, Nathaniel."[/COLOR] was all he said - in a remarkably composed way for someone who had just shouted at his family - before putting the phone on speaker. [COLOR=CRIMSON]"We'll head there immediately."[/COLOR] He shot another angry look at Noa and his family, leaving no room for argument.