[color=CD2868][center][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5500451][img]https://i.imgur.com/a2NKAnu.png[/img][/url][h2][b]🎕 Talia of Roses 🎕[/b][/h2][/center][/color][b]//O11 - Communal Well[/b] Well, conversations were easy. Talia certainly got a good amount of value from what she heard. The basics of the abyss and the current rumours and troubles of the city gave some insight. Though, how much Talia [i]could[/i] be involved in them was the question. However, today Talia was blessed with something she didn't have yesterday: a paltry amount of capital. With some guesstimates, she could presume that venturing into the abyss with her men would cost most of it. Knives and short spears would take a little over half. Supplies would take up the rest. But it was an intriguing option: one that would get her closer to filling the void in her heart. On the other hand, she could have investigated why a precocious girl was fighting with gangsters. Though, that felt a little too similar to herself. The murders? Well, maybe if she had a little more power, she'd investigate those. As it stood, it would just be like a mouse pondering upon a corpse. And the drugs, she'd be getting way over her head immediately. Or more likely, she'd just find nothing but people who were strung out. That settled it. She and her thieves would buy up some gear and dive into the abyss. The greed stemming from the mystery box called adventuring loot was too much to ignore.