[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/houzIW1.png[/img][/center] [center][color=MediumSpringGreen]What good is manipulating dreams when all you ever have are nightmares?[/color] [color=888888]-Ashley Avenir[/color][/center] To Ashley’s considerable disappointment (but regrettably, not to her surprise), the situation in the diner rapidly went from bad to much, [i]much[/i] worse. Initially, she had assumed that, once she’d cleared a path, Finn would apply a speedster melody on himself and race over to the trapped girls, before breaking open a window and covering the opening with his jacket to provide them a safe and swift passage out of the establishment. However, much to the Knight of Tomorrow’s shock, it was [i]Estelle[/i] who, in a burst of agility Ashley didn’t even know the young woman was capable of, leapt across the room and landed by the imperiled schoolgirls. Whether [i]she[/i] would choose to have them escape via the nearest window was a question whose answer would have to wait, as a far more pressing problem reared its ugly head. The monsters had recognized them as G.E.M.I.N.I. agents… Naturally, they were none-too-pleased by this, and promptly put aside their initial dispute in favor of teaming up against a common foe. Ashely had to trust that Estelle could take care of herself, as thick roots burst from the floor to ensnare her legs, while several burly cowboys rushed towards her, wielding an array of makeshift weapons. Nor could she do anything to help Finn, who now seemed to be in the midst of a duel with Dante himself… [color=MediumSpringGreen][i]Why do these missions always keep going to hell…?[/i][/color] Ashley sighted mentally, even as she raised her shield to block the worst of the incoming blows, while simultaneously blasting the roots with her techno wand and sheathing her body in an aura of green protective energy. And [i]then[/i], as if everything occurring around her wasn’t bad enough, the Knight of Tomorrow heard Director Moller’s painfully chipper voice through her ear piece. Apparently, they had backup in the form of a freelance esper with dream manipulation abilities. She was useless in a fight (because of [i]course[/i] she was), but would be helpful in defending against any dream-related attacks, which, the high-tech heroine hated to say, wouldn’t really do them much good in their current situation. Yet, she still had enough composure left to keep from mentioning that little point when the doctor asked if they had found anything yet. [color=MediumSpringGreen]“A bar fight,”[/color] Ashley replied curtly. [color=MediumSpringGreen]“Witch Hunter is trying to rescue some schoolgirls and Timekeeper’s being attacked by Dante,”[/color] she added, quickly noting the most important details. [color=MediumSpringGreen]“I’ll do my best to link up with him, but I’m currently surrounded and cut off. Are you certain this backup can’t just put everyone in the diner to sleep?”[/color] the Knight of Tomorrow inquired as she barely dodged one of the cowboys’ blows. Ashley knew it was a long shot, but with how bad things had gotten, she figured she might as well ask… [hr] [center]18 | Female | GEMINI | Vision of Tomorrow Implements of Tomorrow | Wand, Shield | Arcane | Tune of Tomorrow Raiment of Tomorrow | Stride of Tomorrow Light of Tomorrow | Light | Power of Tomorrow PRO-TEK 4000 Defensive Surgery Implement | Kevlar Coat, Kevlar Padding, Medical Supplies, Tazer, Clip Light [Reveal (2), Purity (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Shield (4), Reflect (4), Heal (6), Major Heal (18), AoE (2), Powerful (0), Piercing (2), Purify (6), Homing (2), Avoid (2) DAMAGE: B | SPEED: E | SENTINEL: C | 1000 [Silver Self][Shield] = -48 mana PHYSICAL: E | ARCANE: C | CHAOS: B | 904[/center]