A snicker escaped Errol's nostrils when Duncan snapped at Noa. For 2 reasons: one, it was always funny watching the super composed Duncan Fraser blow a gaskit. Two, he had no idea what he'd just unleashed on himself by yelling at Noa. Noa was an otherwise level-headed individual, Errol's 'straight man' but when she, rarely, reached her boiling point. It was a sight to behold. So, instead of speaking up for Noa he just bided his time and prepared for the chaos to unfold. Errol didn't visibly react to Duncan's disclosure of their attackers, the U-Men, but he took on what he said. Humans who cut up mutants and give themselves their powers. It made him think of that saying "[i]They hate us, 'cause they ain't us.[/i]" which felt relevant to the current situation. So, what? Were they intended to be the latest victims in the U-Men's campaign? Duncan's anger shifted to Errol after he attempted to lift Clementine's spirits. However, Duncan quickly answered a phone call he received before Errol was able to say his piece. It didn't matter, he'd get in his last word regardless. Listening quietly as whoever called Duncan was put on speaker, he realised the voice sounded familiar. "Dimwitted lowborn mutantspawned leech" guy? You know what, it didn't surprise Errol that Duncan kept company like him around. As soon as the call ended and Noa headed to the location they were directed to, Errol picked up where he and Duncan had left off [color=fff200]"Sorry for trying to cheer up our injured and traumatised sister."[/color] he retorted sarcastically, rolling his eyes at the following statements Duncan made [color=fff200]"The body I caught? Self-defence, kill or be killed. Blowing up the car? It was either that or let them keep shooting at Clem."[/color] Errol paused for a brief moment before continuing [color=fff200]"Everyone's alive and sort of unharmed. My conscience's clear."[/color] he concluded as he put his jet black shades back on. As they arrived at their destination, Errol was startled by Noa suddenly hitting the brakes. Almost slamming his face into the seat in front of him, he exclaimed [color=fff200]"[i]Maldita chica![/i]"[/color] Then he realised that this was it, Noa was about to tear Duncan a new asshole. Errol watched the nuke that was Noa go off with a mischevious smirk. She raised several good points too. That was until she went for the jugular, for all three of the Corleone children. Errol's smirk quickly disappeared and he averted his gaze, turning away to face the window. Noa made a remark about their father, linking him to Clementine and why she behaved the way she did. Highlighting an insecurity Duncan was sure to have about being unable to spare Clementine from their father. But not only that, she called attention to Giovanni's adultry which resulted in Errol's birth - and the main point of contention between him and his brother. It was a multi-layered sore topic for all three of them. Biting his lip, Errol turned to face Noa as she continued to curse Duncan out [color=fff200]"Noa, Duncan, that's en--"[/color] he started, only to watch in shock as he witnessed Noa send the palm of her hand toward Duncan's face. Was she going to land it? Or would Duncan stop her?