[h2]Miina Malina[/h2] [b]Why did the birds have guns.[/b] There were more important things to think about in a situation like this—such as how, exactly, you could avoid being turned into a pincushion—but the basic fact of the matter remained that they were under attack by something that Miina had never remotely thought she might have to deal with. What person would? Was this magic? Some bizarre experiment? Were there just naturally firearms over in Valheimr, so all they had to do was somehow stuff the murder birds into a cage and tame them? Right, Miina, priorities. At least she didn't have to worry about learning to dodge lots of bullets? Being tackled hurt, but if it was someone armoured doing the 'get shot at thing', that was at least better than her squishy flesh taking the brunt of it. Or her coat, fixing it with too many bullet holes would be a big pain. Anyway, [i]Arton[/i] wanted her to go for something bigger, and [i]Galahad[/i] wanted her to target the leaders, so... she could do that. Ice, naturally, was her go to. Not so much an explosion like their [i]actual[/i] black mage had focused on, but it was a bit harder to dodge if you were in a maelstrom— Although, as always, Miina didn't think she made for the most impressive figure, pointing with her free hand. Blizzara was [i]cool[/i] and all, especially when you just pointed at the fanciest-looking enemy and let him and anyone nearby suffer the consequences, but her inability to really say anything without ruining it undercut the moment a little.