[h1][centre][color=0072bc]Royal Guard of Lunaris[/color][/centre][/h1] [h2][centre][color=0072bc]Dawn Haven[/color][/centre][/h2] [centre][H2][color=a464b0]&[/color][/H2][/centre] [centre][H2][color=a464b0]𝕆𝕔𝕥𝕒𝕧𝕚𝕒 𝕃𝕦𝕟𝕒𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕚-𝔸𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕠𝕤[/color][/H2][/centre] [centre][color=0072bc][b]A Collaboration:[/b][/color] [/centre] The Hall and Royal lodge they had to reach was hard to miss as the largest and most appointed of those in the settlement. Following the road you just had to look where the biggest building was passing an Inn that looked promising, market and rather extensive signs of construction going on. The sounds of men hauling on ropes, the chop of hatchets and hammer of the forge as blacksmith was lit by orange fire and glowing slowly cooling steel on a rack. [color=fff79a]“Seen quieter siege camps”[/color] Hector gave a look from atop the cart as he threaded it past a waiting load of timber that had been cut and was destined for a roof or some kind of internal framing most likely. The pair of horses behaved well even with the place being a busy environment. [color=6ecff6]“Alot of gold invested, Prince meant to have a lot of sway in his home land.”[/color] Coswain said as he trotted his horse down the street realising exactly how much pull he had when you saw what was months of work from absolutely nothing, this place was a virgin ground next to a lake and they had laid everything from roads upwards. [color=6ecff6]“Make way, behind you”[/color] He called to someone who had not noticed then, horses could be unpredictable at best especially in unpredictable places, would make a bad introduction to hurt someone just entering the place. Daphne looked back at the string of carriages, one of them was unusual, back with some strange material plastered on it, heavy things of the size of the horses and wheels that pulled and rested on. Following up the rear glad to let the others clear the path ahead she pulled her reins tighter to keep control as her less experienced mount was a little skittish with all the new activities around her. [color=f49ac2]“Easy, easy. Calm down, we safe”[/color] Stroking the powerful neck of her mind and soothing it as she rode, the animals mood beginning to settle after several reputations of the words and action. … [color=6ecff6]“We request an audience with the Princess. We bear messages, gifts and have come from the Capital of Lunaris. Kurios Casteillan, Adonis Cowain, Master Warsmith Hector Honoured as “Stone Breaker” and my Senior Squire Daphne Athenus. ”[/color] Coswain said formally showing their sealed documents with the Royal seal, the Lord Marshals and his own rank stamped in wax. A large wooden box, a smaller sealed box of letters both with wax and paper tamper marks intact though ink a little smudged from the rain. His own Honour hame was likely known to those who had been in Royal service but did not use it unless he had to, his friend he honoured as an undisputed Master of his arts, he was not an “Officer” as such. The grizzled veteran nodded at the gesture, he looked more worn and battered than his brother in everything but blood, they had shed it together however many times in Royal service from far north to border skirmish, siege and more. [color=fff79a]“Stay with us Daphne, just follow our lead.”[/color] He in a gesture of support placed a heavy hand on her shoulder, noting the look of panic as she had never been among the Royal family like this, it was a rare honour for a squire to be placed on such duties. [color=f49ac2]“Thankyou”[/color] Daphne calmed down, she had handled her training, her protocol and all manner of things, but that did not prepare you to face the reality of a situation. “See those to the Princess’s rooms please” She said, glancing at the boxes as the other two did not let her be the passive role and expected her to act like the knight she was training to become. It was both hard but also honoured the trust they placed in her. … “My Princess, The Royal guard is here including a Lord Castelian, they have your Lord Father seal, and the Lord Marshal of the Royal Guards. They request your audience your highness” A young man in a smart uniform came up to her in a respectful but also hurry, deciding that keeping them waiting would not be best. Giving her and her aid a bow after he had filled her in on the details he had been given. He backed off as Three armoured figures came into view, two muscular older men with grey in their beards and a younger woman who was tall but in shape for speed rather than brute force more unsure of herself. Each had all their chains of rank and office visible and paused giving her a bow as the most senior spoke. [color=6ecff6]“My Princess 𝕆𝕔𝕥𝕒𝕧𝕚𝕒, We live to serve, We are at your command, to live and die in your service if so it be, THis is our Oath to you.”[/color] When she was approached by the young man, she smiled, though her smile faded when she heard what he had to say. Her father was sending guards to Dawnhaven? Why? Was something going on? It was odd that there had been no knights, royal guards, or Lords in this land for months until this announcement. It caused anxiety and anger to bubble up. Was something going on that her father wasn’t telling her about? “[color=a464b0]I appreciat the the announcement,[/color]” she gestured for him to lead the way to where this group with her father’s seal was. She had to at least entertain them for a few minutes but she rather go find Prince Flynn and bother him. Then she noticed the armoured individuals and her smile stayed on her face. Seeing the trio caused a mixture of emotions to run through her yet none of them showed on her face. “[color=a464b0]Thank you for your oath,[/color]” she appreciated the oath and the service but [i]why where they here?[/i] Octavia rocked on her heels a little, “[color=a464b0]Why have you been sent to serve me? Is there any particular reason?[/color]” she was curious if they even knew why they were here. The trio looked across from each other having assumed they would have been expected, Gloomhaven lay close to the blight? Had Lunaris really been unable to spare protection for the people here? Their own Princess? Coswain paused unsure now himself but tried to not let it show. [color=6ecff6]“My Lady. The Valor keeps established on Vindacus mountains already getting cold, we fear the passes may be closed this year. Your safety was a concern as well as this vital settlement, we were sent here to join your household. The Royal Guard and Army are as you well know, stretched at present… We do not expect to be reinforced.”[/color] He was uncomfortable admitting their weakness, the winter, the bandits, blight, and more where pulling them more directions and like butter over too little bread. They were trying their hardest but could not be everywhere. He tried to be respectfully frank and honest with her about the situation at present and the problems in Lunaris. His discomfort at the idea was clear, both he and Hector had served in better times, they could have spared a Paladin detachment and more. The King had them committed elsewhere to more pressing roles. However he would not lie to her about things back home. [color=f49ac2]“Your Highness, we have travelled recently and can inform you as best we able.”[/color] Daphne said obviously new to this, they did not know how many messages, or if any messengers had failed to make it to Gloomhaven. Octavia’s face sprung with a redness, she was frustrated, since her last letter to her parents was not asking for guards or knights — she requested individuals that could help her prepare by sewing, knitting, or the like. Maybe she added if they could help build Dawnhaven. “[color=a464b0]I do apologise for my crudeness, though we do not [i]need[/i] knights. We need individuals that can help us prepare for the winter. We do not need physical reinforcements here. We need helpful skills or people will die from the cold![/color]” When she raised her voice she covered her mouth in instant regret. She wasn’t mad at the trio standing in front of her but frustrated that her parents took her letter with such a grain of sand that they sent bulky muscle heads instead of anything useful. No, they were useful. Just not in the way she or the town needed. She began to rub her temples, “[color=a464b0]I am sorry. I-I didn’t mean to raise my voice at you three. It is not your fault,[/color]” she closed her eyes as she inhaled deeply. Attempting to calm herself and focus. With how things were going and communication between her parents and her — Octavia was feeling like she was a black sheep of the family. Something they finally were able to get rid of. It hurt. She knew their lives were busy but she thought they would at least help her a little more than what they have done. “[color=a464b0]I’m sorry to leave you in such a hurry, but I need to find Prince Flynn. If you want to be useful, maybe go to the inn and figure out who needs help. I know construction is happening around Dawnhaven. You three are muscular and muscles are needed for construction. My apologies. I will be with you later,[/color]” Octavia was trying to hold onto her level-headed energy at the moment but she was having such a difficult time doing so. The breakdown in communications between the settlement and the Lunaris capital made them want to groan but held their bearing and refrained from reacting, there would be sharp words held over an al at the Inn it seemed. It would have to be a very very careful balance sandwiched between two rival royals, The Princess and the King…[color=6ecff6]”We will try our best to help your Highness, Hector is a man of many talents.”[/color] [color=fff79a]“I can try my Princess”[/color] Hector said with a tone that was respectful but was somewhat unsure having been thrown into the middle of a family argument. Giving her a respectful bow they all had the same thought that their lives just got more complicated, but returning home was not an option, they would upset someone powerful and their only plan was to ride out the situation and try to make the best of it all. The Inn had ale, food and maybe they could make a plan and at the very least be fed and watered. … Leaving the Hall they made their way back to the Inn they passed, maybe they could enquire about room or finding some place to rent too. The heavy door got pushed open into the Inn and found a table near the bar and the fire pit to warm up. [color=f49ac2]“Inn keep? Can you bring food and ales for three hungry travellers, also Construction? The Princess sent us down here?”[/color] Daphne called over to see figures behind the bar. Daphne just sighed at the whole situation closing her eyes and resting head in hands, her first truly serious trust turning into a pile of dung. [color=fff79a]“Don't forget to ask if they know anywhere we can rent, or land… guess I'm a master builder.”[/color] Hector said as Daphne just gave him a gesture back from her point but followed with an affirmative. [color=6ecff6]“Wine too”[/color] Coswain added, he needed a drink to work this mess out and try and find a path of least resistance. He looked around and saw a hooded lady in a thick Cloak, two young lads happily demolishing a meal and he chuckled, they had pitchers of ale, learning the hard way like all young men must if needed. Least the food smelled like it should be far better than their preserved rations they packed on the cart! Their heavy Lunarian gear shed from travel, the armour glittered in the fire as they cast off gloves, cloaks and such enjoying the warmth of the fire. Now to work out something from this mess. [color=f49ac2]“Got it oh olden ones”[/color] Daphne stayed by the bar wondering if this whole confusion would cost her the knighthood she had worked to achieve. [b]MENTIONS: [@amorphical] [@PrinceAlexus] [@The Savant][/b]