[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/lc6F6Jv.png[/img][/center] The undead child shied back behind his zombie meat shields. Nondescript brown eyes stared out from behind the disheveled and bloodied corpses as Enzo watched the scene unfold around him. The sight of Elizabeth ripping into one of the thugs made the boy’s stomach growl. ...wait, did they even [i]have[/i] stomachs anymore? How did that work exactly? He really should have packed a lunch for this sort of thing. Of course, if he’d known what they’d be doing tonight, he’d have made a couple of preparations. [i]Cosi e la vita[/i], as they say. Though, shouldn’t that be [i]cosi e la morte[/i] in their case? Ian’s voice snapped the boy back to what was happening around them. Elizabeth had started toward the door, but the Brujah was trying to get the situation under control and the others in line with the plan. When Ian suggested that Raph check the door, the meek Giovanni spoke up. [color=#6fa8dc]“Why don’t we send these guys?”[/color] the boy asked, using one thumb to indicate the zombies that dwarfed his small form. Extending a hand out toward the door, the diminutive necromancer uttered, [color=#6fa8dc]“[/color][color=#6fa8dc][i]Andiamo![/i][/color][color=#6fa8dc]”[/color] ...and then bravely relocated himself so that he was hiding behind Ian as the zombies proceeded. Elizabeth was through the door as soon as the gunfire had stopped. From behind Ian, Enzo couldn’t see much beyond the doorway. And didn’t plan to step out of line unless Ian told him what to do.